Isn't it funny (George O'Malley x OC)

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Tequila is the best medicine for anything and everything, but it also makes you stupid

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Tequila is the best medicine for anything and everything, but it also makes you stupid. It makes you so stupid and brave, that you feel you can say and do anything.

So here I was sitting next to George O'Malley talking about everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything.

"You know I never understood why we call you 007. Like who cares, we all have had problems in the OR. You George are a rock star. So I propose that from here on out we call you Mercury" I say with a drunken smile on my face. "Because you are the best and you are amazing when in an OR..."

At this point the sober me would have shut up, but no. This was "tequila me". And that me wanted to talk.

"You George are the best," I say while leaning on him.

"I don't know about that," was George's reply while play with the glass in his hands.

"No, you are. You are amazing, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You walking into my life, you being here every day, makes me so incredibly happy that I don't know what I would do if you were to disappear one day. I love you and I hope you know that."

Halfway through your speech George felt like fainting. This could not be true. You liking him, you having feeling for him. It just could not and that's what he told himself. You were drunk and probably wouldn't remember any of it tomorrow morning. That also gave him the courage to speak his mind, because if you didn't remember any of it tomorrow then there would be no harm done.

"You know, whenever anyone says something really funny and I laugh, I always look around to see if you think it's funny too. Even when you're not there, I still look around. Because you are just that important to me. And I also am grateful that you walked into my life. I am grateful to have you here with me and I love you too." At the end of his little speech George looked towards you. Now or never, he thought.

Tequila had made me drunk and words run freely from my mouth, but never in million years would have I hoped for this. For George to return my feeling. Now or never.

And with that thought we connected our lips. It was a hesitant kiss at first. As we both relaxed it turned more relaxed. Both of us put all of our feelings into the kiss. I felt how much he truly loved me, and I could only hope that he felt the same.

The kiss however didn't last long, with George pulling away first.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this." He said. "I love you, but you won't remember any of it tomorrow."

Before he could go on longer, I stopped him.

"Hey, hey... Have you got any idea how long I have been waiting to hear those words come out of your mouth? Nothing could make me forget this moment. Nothing." I said and lightly kissed him again. "I love you and you love me. I nothing will change that. Nothing will make me forget that. Not the morning arriving and not the hangover that's certain to come with it."

George chuckled at that.

"Now what to you say we get out of here and go to my place and have a real conversation with out loud music and other people?" I smiled as I took his hand and guided us out of the Joe's pub.

Not my best, but i hope you still enjoyed it. More to come soon.   

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