News (Mark Sloan x OC)

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It had been a one-night stand that wasn't supposed to mean anything

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It had been a one-night stand that wasn't supposed to mean anything.

Just two adults enjoying each other's company for the night.

But now Katie was standing in her bathroom with a pregnancy stick in hand.

"Stupid," she said to herself.

Few week ago, there had been a so-called office party. All the attendings and their plus-ones got dressed in fancy clothes and got together to celebrate another year at Seattle Grace Mercy West hospital.

Katie had put on one of her best dresses. A black knee-length cocktail-dress. It had a slightly deep v-shaped neckline.

She didn't expect much to happen. But then one thing led to another and the next thing she knew, she was back at Mark's place. Their clothes were quickly discarded.

The next morning Mark had made her breakfast and served it in bed.

Before she left she said, "So lets agree that this was a one time thing, okay?"

And with that being said, she left Mark's apartment.

Now weeks later she was standing in her bathroom holding a stick that would change her life forever.

Katie had always wanted kids, but that wasn't how she envisioned it would happen.

Not having long to think about it, because she had to get to work, she tried to push the thought into the back of her mind.

The day seemed to go by quickly. There hadn't been a lot of emergency patients which meant that Katie had more time to think.

She knew that she needed to tell Mark. It was only fair that he knew.

So, at the end of her shift Katie started looking for Mark. She finally found him in one of the hospital hallways.

"Hey Mark, could we talk for a moment?" She tried not to be nervous.

"Sure," Mark replied and waited for her to continue.

"Not here," then grabbing his arm, she pulled him into an on-call room. After closing the door, she also locked it.

"Oh, you should have said that you wanted to have a conversation like that." Mark laughed.

"No, I needed to talk to you privately." Katie breathed in deeply.

"Is everything alright?" Mark was becoming concerned.

Katie hadn't noticed it, but Mark had always been interested in her. After the "one-night stand" Mark was disappointed to learn that it was just that – a one-night stand.

"No... I mean yes. Everything is alright. Everything is even great if you think about it." Katie paused for a moment. "I'm...mmm... I'm pregnant."

"WHAT!" Mark was shocked to say the least.

"I know. This wasn't planned and I don't want to rope you into anything. I don't expect anything from you. I just thought it would be only fair of me to tell you about it. Because this baby is just as much yours as it is mine. If you want. I just want you to know, that soon there will be a baby, who will probably have your nose and good hair. This isn't something that should be kept from you."

As Katie was talking on and on she noticed a smile growing on Mark's face.

"You're pregnant?" Mark needed her to confirm it to him again.

"Yes," she replied timidly.

In the next moment Katie was in Mark's arms.

"This is the best news ever." Mark said and, out of instinct and pure feelings, kissed her.

Katie didn't expect that but didn't object. She cladly kissed him back.

After breaking off the kiss, Mark asked "So does that mean I can ask my baby mama out on a proper date now." 

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