Sister Grey (Andrew DeLuca x OC)

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Being Meredith Grey's little sister made Sandra's life at work harder

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Being Meredith Grey's little sister made Sandra's life at work harder.

Not only did she feel like she had to live up to her mother legacy, but now also her sister's.

She herself did not think that she was good enough, but everyone else around her did. Everyone knew that she would be just as good of a doctor as her sister and mother.

There was one particular person who thought that there was no one better than Sandra.

Andrew DeLuca's start at Grey Sloan had been hard. Not a lot of people like him. They thought he was a fraud with the way he had arrived to this hospital. No one really spoke to him outside the hospital.

That was until he met Sandra Grey. She wasn't in the same intern program as him. She had arrived 4 year previous.

One day Sandra had walked into the intern's changing room looking for something or someone. When her eyes landed on Andrew, she said "DeLuca, you're with me today."

Andrew was prepared for a day of scut, but instead got to work in the ER with Grey.

Not only did she give him an opportunity to treat patient and make decisions, she also took the time to get to know him on a personal level.

Some time went by, but Sandra never treated DeLuca badly. Even when Alex beat him up and everyone else took Karev's side, Sandra still stay by Andrew's. She helped him heal, listened when he needed to rant and supported him when no one else did.

Over time Andrew felt his feelings for Sandra change. With was never truly only friendly feelings that he had for her, but over time his feelings for her intensified.

Today was a particularly hard day for Sandra and DeLuca could see it. She had a hard case on her hand and she was having a hard time figuring out what was wrong with the patient.

After getting a cup of tea for her, DeLuca found Sandra Grey in a room looking over the scans.

"Here I got this for you." He said as he passed her the cup of tea.

"You are God sent, you know that DeLuca." Sandra replied smiling. Taking a sip of the tea she felt herself relax a little. But only a little. She still needed to figure out what was wrong with her patient. "I can't do it. I'm useless. How can I not figure out what is wrong with her." She said as her head hit the table.

"Maybe you just need some time to relax, take you mind off of it." DeLuca suggested.

"I don't have time for that. I just feel useless." She mumbled.

DeLuca sat down next to her. He decided to be more bold, it felt like the right moment.

He put his hand on her shoulder to get her to look at him.

"Hey, you are not useless. You are amazing. You can figure this out. Every day you amaze me doctor Grey with just how good you are at this job, with how good of a person you are." At this point Sandra's mouth slightly open from the shock of hearing Andrew talking about her like that. "You shouldn't worry so much. If anyone will figure it out, it will be you."

DeLuca ended his little speech with looking Sandra in her eyes.

A moment of silence passed by them.

Before either of them really knew what was happening, Sandra had leaned forward and kissed Andrew.

It wasn't a long and passionate kiss. It was more of a thank you kiss. Thank you for being there. Thank you for supporting. Thank you for caring.

As they pulled apart DeLuca didn't know what to think about the kiss. Was he happy? Yes. Was he confused? Most certainly.

Sandra had a small smile on her face as she went back to looking at the scans.

"You know that this is not the end of it now," DeLuca said to her. Sandra slightly lifted her head and looked at him from behind her hair. "I will make you mine."

The smile on Sandra's face grew.

"I'd like to see you try." Was her reply. Deluca now had a big smile on his face.

"Challenge accepted." He said that and before leaving the room he gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. 

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