Chance (Nathan Riggs x OC)

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There was no one as frustrating to Phoebe O'Malley than Nathan Riggs

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There was no one as frustrating to Phoebe O'Malley than Nathan Riggs.

The guy would just not give up. She had tried everything to push him away. The guy wouldn't take a hint.

It wasn't really the fact that Phoebe didn't like him.

No. She found him attractive. He was charming and funny.

But Owen Hunt had told her about his sister and what had happened and she didn't know if she could trust Riggs. She didn't want to get hurt.

She also wanted Riggs to stop asking her out and flirting with her, because she knew that she would soon break.

She would break and she would say "yes".

"Yes" to everything he had to offer, because he was just that good.

Going home after a long day of work was the best part of the day.

Walking to her car Phoebe was looking for her keys when she heard her name being called.

"Phoebe, wait up" said Riggs jogging up to her. Slowly turning around she saw the smiling man jogging towards her.

"It's been a long day," she said.

"I know, I know. I just wanted to know... Why won't you give me a change?" He asked.

"You know why. Owen..." was all she managed to say before Nathan interrupted her.

"You shouldn't take everything that Owen says as the absolute truth. Just give me a chance. One date, one drink, whatever you feel comfortable with, just please give me a chance." He almost begged.

Seeing him like that, vulnerable in front of her, made her heart ache. Maybe he wasn't as bad as Owen said. You should not judge a person by what others say.

"Alright. One date. That's all you get." She said and saw a smile light up Nathan's face. "Now, let's go and get this over with." Saying that, she opened her car doors. Of course, she was driving.

They had dinner together and it went hundred times better than she had expected. Nathan was everything a woman could wish for. The date had been amazing. When it ended, she took Nathan home and went to her place after that.

Days went by and their relationship started growing into something more than a friendship.

She started having feeling for him and knew, or at least thought, that he had feelings for her. So, all the more puzzling was the fact that he hadn't tried to kiss her.

Was she the only one feeling the tension growing between them?

So, after another day of work she was walking towards her car with Nathan next to her.

"I guess that's it for tonight." He stopped next to her car and turned to face her.

Before she could change her mind, Phoebe took a step towards Nathan, put her arms around him and kissed him.

Nathan was shocked at first, but soon recovered and started kissing her back.

It wasn't a long kiss, but they both felt amazing after it.

"Wow," was all that left Phoebe's lips after they pulled apart.

Nathan only chuckled at that and went in for another kiss.

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