Army (George O'Malley x OC)

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(One of my longest

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(One of my longest. Hope you enjoy :))

It all felt like a bad dream.

Just yesterday Elena had woken up and thought that everything was alright.

She had an amazing boyfriend, great job and the best friends anyone could want.

But it all had crumbled down.

It all began when her boyfriend of two years had come up to her and said the word she never expected to hear.

"I joined the army to be a trauma surgeon. I report for duty tomorrow."

This was literally something Elena had never expected to hear from George.

"What... wait what? Why am I just hearing of this? Army George, you can't go to the army. It's too dangerous." Was all that she managed to say.

"It was sudden for me too, I talked to doctor Hunt yesterday. I wasn't expecting things to go that way either, but I feel that this is the way for me. I love you. I'm sorry that this is so sudden. We can talk about it more tonight, but right now I need to go and see my mom." With a kiss on her cheek, George was on his way.

Elena was left standing in the middle of the hallway. She didn't know how to react to this news.

Was she angry? Yes, she felt that George should have at least talked to her about it before making any decisions.

Was she hurt? Yes, because it felt like George had forgotten about her and their relationship while making this decision.

Was she scared? Most definitely. War was not something to joke about, it was dangerous and there was a chance that George may not make it. No matter how angry or mad she was, she still loved him and wanted what was best for him.

Elena did not get much time to think about George and his decision because half an hour later she was paged to the ER.

A male and a female were brought in. The guy had stepped in front of a bus to save the woman's life. No one knew who the guy was, so he was named John Doe.

Well no one did until Elena went to check John Doe's vitals.

As she was about to leave his bedside, John Doe reached out and grabbed her hand.

At first, he just squeezed it. Then he started to open her palm.

Elena understood that she wanted to write something, so she tried to give him a pen, but he didn't take it.

"Okay, O... O... 7?" Elena wasn't sure what that meant. "Double O, 7."

After saying that John Doe squeezed her hand then brought it to his mouth and left a light kiss on the back of it.

A cold wave went all over her body as she realised who that was.

"George?" Her voice quivered.

He nodded.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing, what she was feeling. She needed to be sure.

So, she checked the only thing that came to her mind. His Texas shaped birthmark.

Taking a deep breath she turned his arm around and...

"Oh god! Oh god no!" Seeing the birthmark made it all too real.

Suddenly his heartrate started to rise. Elena called nurses to keep an eye on him and ran out of his room.

"It's George! It's George!" she yelled as she saw Torres, Shepard and Hunt. "John Doe... It's George!"

At this point tears were streaming out of her eyes.

The other attendings understood what she said. All of their pages went off at the same time.

"George's vitals are dropping; we need to take him to surgery stat." said Hunt.

As they left to operate on George Elena leaned against a wall and thought where all of it had gone so wrong.

The surgery was long. Elena sat in George's room waiting for the surgery to end.

At some point some of their friends joined them. Meredith came and sat next to Elena putting her arms around the distressed woman.

"We got to hope for the best. If someone can make it, it's George. He is the strongest of us. You got to believe that he can make it. He has so much to fight for."

That's all that was said between the two.

The surgery seemed to go on for hours, but Elena knew that that was a good thing. That meant that he was still alive. After about 4 hours. Shepard came into the room.

Elena didn't dare to stand up. For she didn't know if she was strong enough to stay standing after hearing what Derek had to say.

"We did all we could do," he began. "For now he is stable enough to be brought back into his room, but his condition is still critical."

Elena let out a breath of relief.

He was still alive.

That was all she could ask for now.

The next day Elena was still next to George's bed side. She hadn't left the room for a moment. Someone had called George's family and told them what had happened. They also had visited and stayed for hours. But when the visiting hours were over, they had to leave.

That was one good thing about working in the hospital. She could stay next to George at all hours.

Holding his hand in her Elena prayed. She wasn't a religious person, but she prayed. She didn't know if anyone heard her prayers, but right know this was the only thing she could do to keep herself from going mad with worry.

Suddenly, she felt his hand twitch. Her head snapped up towards his.

"George? Can you hear me?"

His face was still beat up and swollen, but she could see his eyes slowly opening.

"Oh god George," she breathed out a sigh of relief.

He was in no shape or form healed, but this was the first step in many and Elena swore to herself that she would be there for all of them.

Because no matter what, she loved George O'Malley.

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