Time Heals (Mark Sloan x OC)

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This chapter is written slightly differently

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This chapter is written slightly differently. Hope you enjoy. 

You know what is hard.

It's hard work in the same building as the man you love.

What might be hard about that one may ask.

Well the situation becomes hard when the man you love and thought you would spend the rest of your life with cheated on you. With someone younger and maybe even prettier with you.

Yes, Mark Sloan had done it again. Why you ever thought that he had changed was a mystery. It had been amazing seven months with him, but clearly it was not meant to be,

It had happened in an on-call room. You decided to spend the night at the hospital because you were just that tired.

Opening the door, you never expected to find two people making out on one of the beds. (People knew to lock the doors). Or for those two people to be Mark and Lexie. You had heard about their previous relationship and Mark had reassured you, that it was history.

Clearly not.

"I'm sorry," was all that you managed to say. Tears didn't seem to stop running down your face. Mark and Lexie had both shocked looked on their faces.

"Annie..." Mark tried to talk to you, but before he could even rise from the bed, you bolted out of the door, down the stairs and out of the hospital.

You couldn't go home because that would be the first place Mark would look and you didn't want to see him.

Going over to Meredith's was also not an option because she was Lexie's sister. Callie and Derek were Mark's friends. And going to Alex's place was also not an option because if he saw you like that he may go, and hurt Mark and you didn't want Alex to do anything rash.

So, you found a neutral person to go to. Miranda Bailey.

It had been two weeks now since the incident and you had tried your best to ignore Mark.

It had not worked at first, but when Mark wouldn't leave you alone you had screamed in his face.

"Go away. Don't you see I don't want to be near you? I trusted you and you do that. You had your fun with me and my feelings. Now leave!"

He had been stunned at first, but after that he had left you alone. Until now.

You had ended your shift and were going home. Well going 'home' to get your stuff to move to your new place. You had just seen Mark at the hospital going to the attendings room and hoped you wouldn't see him at your shared apartment.

You were halfway packing when you heard the front door opening. That only meant one thing.

"Annie?" Mark called from the front door.

"In here," better get this over with was your thought.

"What are you doing?" Mark asked.

"Packing as you can see. I'm moving out. I think it's better if we officially break up and try to move on with our lives." You said without looking at Mark.

"Move on? I hoped that we could work it out." Mark exclaimed.

"Work it out!?" Came your furious reply. "Mark you cheated on me, there is no working this out."

"But I didn't. It just happened. She was there and I was going into the room to take a nap. We talked and then she kissed me."

"She kissed you? Do you really think that I would believe that? We are all adults. You're not some teenager trying to figure out his body, wants and needs. You kissed her back. That's really all that matters to me. You didn't push her away." You were angry now. "And it shouldn't be hard for you to move on. You could do it while being in a relationship with me, it should be even easier now that we have broken up."

"I can't move on. What happened with Lexie was not me moving on. I don't know about you, but I still love you. Even if I tried, I couldn't move on. You may leave tonight and not want to talk to me, but I won't stop fighting for you, because I love you and I know that one day we will be together again. Maybe not tomorrow or a month from now, but one day because we are meant to be. You and me."

As Mark was talking, he was walking closet to you and you couldn't move, because you also still loved him. But it still hurt too much.

Stepping closer to Mark you gently kissed him. It was a bittersweet moment because you loved him but knew that you needed to leave if you ever wanted to be with him again.

"One day, but for now... Goodbye," and with that you took your bag and left the apartment and Mark. For how long... neither one of you knew. Because as the saying goes: "Time heals all wounds" and you both hoped that it could heal yours. 

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