An off day (Derek Shepard x OC)

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Today was an off day

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Today was an off day.

Nothing went well.

First the alarm clock hadn't gone off, then the taxi got stuck in traffic and to top it all off Amanda hadn't had time for coffee in the morning. And of she did not get to have her one cup of coffee in the morning then her mood for the whole day would be off.

That meant that anyone that got in her way today would live to regret it.

"Doctor Casey?" said an intern timidly.

"What is it Pierce?" Amanda asked, already feeling irritated.

"I lost the patient."

"What to you mean "you lost the patient."?" Amanda turned to face the intern; eyes ablaze. "Why didn't you page anyone more qualified then you to help save the patient?!"

"No, not like dead. I literally lost him. One moment he was in an ER bed and the next he wasn't." he stuttered his answer.

"Then what are you doing standing here. I am not the ER's attending. Go find Hunt and tell him about the situation and then find the damn patient!"

By the end of the statement the intern was running away from Amanda as fast as he could.

Going back to patient charts that needed filling, Amanda was not expecting to feel hands on her hips.

"So what I heard is true. My girlfriend has turned in to the Loch Ness Monster for the day." Said the familiar voice of none other than Derek Shepard. That sentence was followed by a kiss on her neck and Amanda felt some of her anger fading away.

"It's just the interns. Can't seem to do anything right today."

Derek continued to leave kisses on her neck and face. That made a small smile grow on her face.

"Oh what is that I see. Is that a smile?" Derek said chuckling. "I am defeating the monster and getting my Amanda back. I really am McDreamy, a knight in shining armour, saving an innocent woman from a horrible fate!" He spun Amanda around and started kissing her face at random places as fast as he could.

That made Amanda laugh out loud.

Derek stopped and grabbed her face with two hands.

"The healing power of love!" he shouted out loud.

The two of them were laughing while holding onto each other.

"You are the best; you know that right" Amanda said and kissed Derek on the lips.

"I know, that's why I also got you a coffee." He took a cup from the counter. Amanda hadn't even noticed it until he had it in his hands again.

"You truly are a knight in shining armour. What would I do with out you?"

Amanda took a sip of her coffee and the day didn't seem as bad anymore. 

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