Thank You (William Thorpe x OC)

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The most difficult part of this job for Hannah was talking with the relatives of a patient

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The most difficult part of this job for Hannah was talking with the relatives of a patient. You never knew what they were like. Sometimes a patient could be polite and friendly and the family member that came with them was a pure nightmare.

That was the case with Hannah's latest patient. She was 26-year-old married woman with a brain tumour that needed removing. How ever her husband didn't see to agree with that and wanted his wife to be discharged.

"My wife will not have this surgery and that's that." He raged on and on.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but this is not up to you. This is your wife's choice and decision."

Before she could continue the husband slammed his hand onto the table next to them.

"You do not order me around. This is my wife, I have every right to say what she can and can't do." As he said that he walked closer to Hannah and got into her face. "You don't know what's best for her, so walk away, get those discharge papers and let me sign them before I go and get them myself with any means necessary!"

Hannah looked at the husband with wide eyes. She wanted to respond and she was going to, but before she could the husband was pushed away from her.

"Hey! You do not threaten the doctors working here. You have no right to demand your wife's discharge papers, if she herself does not want them. So I suggest you walk out of this hospital before I call security on you."

It was William Thorpe who had come to your rescue.

It looked like the husband wanted to object at first but seeing the look in Thorpe's eyes made him rethink that. Walking away from us we could hear him angrily mumbling to himself.

"Thank you, but I could have handled him myself," was Hannah's respond as soon as the husband was out of their field of sight.

"You call that having it handled?" Hannah could see that William was a little annoyed.

"Yes, totally." Hannah said smiling. "But really, thank you. I do appreciate it. If there's anything I can do in return, let me know."

Hannah was about to walk away when she heard Thorpe say, "What about a thank you dinner?"

"Are you asking me out Thorpe?"

"I am," he said smiling and nodding his head.

"For now yes, but ask me again after my shift ends. We'll see if the answer is still the same." She said playfully and with a wink sent towards him, Hannah left the hallway with a smile on her face and feeling excited for what was to come next. 

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