Steam (Mark Sloan x OC)

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When Mark called Aurora that night, she didn't think anything of it

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When Mark called Aurora that night, she didn't think anything of it.

They were good friends.

When he said that there had been a fire at his apartment complex and he was looking for a place to stay for the night, she didn't decline. She even offered to pick him up.

After getting back to her place Aurora led him to a guestroom where he could stay the night.

She also lived in an apartment and only had one bathroom. After petting his things away Mark said that he was going to take a shower.

Everything was normal.

However, Aurora couldn't stop her heart from beating a little faster when Mark came out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel around his hips.

That she was not prepared for.

Yes, they were friends, but that had been her firm choice.

Aurora had always had a crush on Mark but knew that nothing good could come from it.

She wasn't the type to do one-night stands and Mark was.

When she was in a relationship, she put her all into it, heart, soul and body. It seemed that Mark only put his body into a relationship, no heart, no soul.

Also, to her it seemed that Mark still wasn't truly over Addison Montgomery.

That all added up to a disastrous situation if she ever were to act on her crush.

But seeing Mark there in nothing but a towel, water droplets falling down his body made her rethink everything that she had thought before.

„Like what you see, "said Mark with a smirk on his face.

Even when his arrogant, his looks hot, Aurora thought.

„Maybe, but that doesn't matter. "She replied. „I'm going to bed now." She rose from the couch that she had been sitting on.

"Is that an invite?" he still had that stupid smirk on his face. All Aurora did was roll her eyes.

As Aurora was passing him to get to her room, Mark took hold of her upper arm, halting her journey to her room.

"Why not have a little fun?" He looked down at her.

"I can't Mark." Were her only words.

"Why not? Is there a man in your life that I don't know about?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"No, nothing like that. I just can't" She tried to continue walking towards her bedroom, but Mark was not letting go of her arm.

"Why not? What is stopping you?" Mark wanted to know the answer. "I saw you looking at me before. Let's have a little fun. What do you say?"

This was it. She didn't really understand what happened, but something in her snapped.

"Because, Mark, I can't just sleep with you and then pretend to only be friends again. Yes you look amazing, you are amazing, but I can't let a one night stand ruin our friendship, because for me it wouldn't be a one night stand. I couldn't look at you the same, because I have feelings for you. Feelings that I have been able to hide from you by pretending to be your friend. Just friend. Even though I may want something more. This "fun" you want to have, would ruin it all. It would ruin our existing relationship. It already has ruined it and I don't know if I can..."

Aurora wanted to say so much more but couldn't because Mark had kissed her.

When she finally truly understood what was going on, she broke off the kiss.

"Why did you do that!? Were not just listening to what I was saying?" she was fuming a little bit.

"Oh, I was." Mark said smiling. "I got the message loud and clear. You like me, a lot and if you had told me that sooner I could have kissed you sooner."

"What?" Aurora was now confused. Was he playing games with her now?

"Okay, let me be loud and clear to you too. I like you too and I didn't want to ruin our friendship because I liked being close to you and I didn't even dare to dream, that a woman as perfect as you could ever have feelings for me. So, it was easier to just be your friend, if that meant I could be close to you."

Aurora was shocked. Was she dreaming? She must have fallen a sleep on the couch, because that was the only logical explanation to this situation.

"You have feelings for me too?" were the first words she managed to say. "Not just friend feelings?"

"Not just friend feelings," Mark confirmed.

"And you are not just saying that, so that I would sleep with you?" That question earned her an annoyed look from Mark.

"Okay, sorry, sorry." She said laughing. "Just checking, because this feels like a dream."

"Well get used to this dream, cause my feelings aren't going to change any time soon."

And with that being said, Mark kissed Aurora for the second time in that day.

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