Dinner (Jackson Avery x OC)

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You were nervous and it was normal to be

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You were nervous and it was normal to be. It was the day you were meeting your boyfriend's, Jackson Avery's, mother.

The famous Catherine Avery.

You had been pacing back and forth with Jackson looking at you.

"What if she doesn't like me, what if she hates me? What are we going to do then? I don't care about anyone else's opinion or what they think about our relationship, but this is your mother Jackson. This is make it or break it."

You were a little out of breath by the time you finished talking.

"Babe, it's alright and what's most important her opinion of you won't change mine."

These words calmed you down a little.

"I'll go check on dinner," you said and kissed Jackson.

As you were in the kitchen putting food on platters, you heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it!" you heard Jackson say from the other room.

'This was it, now or never. You can do this' you thought.

Walking closer to the front door you heard voices speaking.

"Mom, please behave tonight." Jackson begged his mother.

"When do I not behave honey," was Catherine Avery's reply.

"No mom, I am serious. I don't want you scaring her away. Your approval of this relationship means a lot to her and I don't want to see her get hurt by your words tonight." Jackson said with a serious voice.

Catherine was stunned for a moment. "She's the one?" were the words that left her mouth. She had never seen his son act that way towards any of his previous girlfriends. So that meant that this woman meant a lot to him.

"Yeah, she's the one," replied Jackson, a shy smile forming on his face.

What you heard made you happier than anything before. That meant he really cared. Not that you ever doubted, but this just proved how amazing Jackson was.

You knew the night was going go by wonderfully and not just tonight but all the nights and days that waited for you and Jackson, no matter what the future held for the two of you. 

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