Surprise (George O'Malley x OC)

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This wasn't planned

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This wasn't planned.

Not at all.

You and George had been in a relationship for about a year when it happened.

You hadn't been feeling well for a few weeks. At first you thought that it was the flu, but when the morning sickness didn't pass there was no ignoring the signs.

So here you were sitting in one of the hospital bathrooms with a pregnancy test in hand. You had just done all that was needed and now it was time to wait.

Would it really be that bad for you to be pregnant? - Well yes, you weren't even an attending yet. Being a resident and a mom at the same time would not be simple.

What about George? How would he react?

Before you could bonder any more the timer you had set on your phone went off.

Slowly turning the test around there was no way back anymore.

Loud and clear it read - pregnant.

Walking out of the stall and putting the test in your coat pocket, your mind wasn't working.

Walking out of the bathroom you didn't really know where you were going until you bumped into Meredith and Lexie.

"Hey, Cassie, you alright?" Meredith asked while placing a hand on your arm.

The Grey sisters immediately saw that something was bothering you.

"Yeah, yes I'm fine. I... just... I don't know." You were able to mumble.

"You know you can tell us anything?" Lexie consoled.

"I know, it's just, I don't know how to say this." You paused. "I haven't been feeling well. I thought it was the flu, but when I didn't have anymore symptoms then just the morning sickness. I took a pregnancy test. And guess what? I'm pregnant." You said to Meredith and Lexie.

Before either of them could say anything, a loud "WHAT!" came from behind you.

Turning around quickly you saw George standing just a few feet behind you.

This was not how you wanted to tell him.

If this situation wasn't as serious as it was, you would have laughed at the confused look on his face.

"This is not how I wanted you to find out." You rushed out. "But yeah, I took a test few minutes ago and according to that I am pregnant. Well we are pregnant."

After what felt like the longest minute of your life, a huge smile broke out on George's face.

"We're going to have a baby!?" he asked so loud that most of the people who were standing at the nurses' station turned to look at you.

"Yes," you said feeling slightly happier.

George took three steps towards you and scooped you into a hug.

"We're going to be parents. We're having a baby." He said spinning you around.

After doing that he started leaving kisses all over your face.

Maybe having a baby and becoming a parent wasn't going to be as bad as you had first thought. Because after all, you would have George there with you for every step of the way.

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