Chapter 4

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Chapter Four| Surfs Up

"Hey let's go in here!"

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"Hey let's go in here!"

I instantly recognize the shop. Once we had came to the end of the boardwalk we decided to walk back on the opposite side to get a better look at the various lined shops. It had only been a few minutes but I recognized this as the shop the girl with the gorgeous blue eyes slipped into.

Jori try's to pull me past the doorframe but I hold my stance not budging. "C'mon I want to look at the boards." she whines still tugging me. She may be 5'3 but the girl has some serious muscle on her. Can't let the height or simply the appearance fool you nowadays. My body budges at her last tug and I almost fall forward flat on my face.

"You don't even surf." I pout returning my own tug simply not wanting to go into the store. My lungs feel like they're in my stomach. "Well its about time I started, surfs up bro." She giggles, enunciating the last part. The words not even sounding right coming from her. Jori doesn't fit the surfing type at all. I finally give in and walk into the store with her. My head held low in defeat.

We walk to the back where the boards are. Jori stopping in front of a pink one. How absolutely girly of her.

"I like this one." Jori states and I know she's talking about the pink one.

"Well that's cool and all but like i'm hungry so can we leave?" I question desperately not wanting to come into contact with the girl. It would be one awkward encounter, considering my staring.

"I think i'm going to buy it....Yeah i'm going to buy it."

Here we go again. Next thing I know i'll be on the beach getting swept up by some waves trying to learn how to surf.

"Oh and you're definitely comin' with when I try it out." Jori added giving me a look. One I couldn't exactly comprehend.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." I respond looking around for any signs of the girl. Looks like she's nowhere to be found so I assume i'm good, for the time being.

"You guys' need some help?"

I jump at the voice so close to my ear. I slowly turn around to see ocean eyes. A little surprised by the huskiness in her voice. Not too raspy or anything, just right. To say i'm intimidated by our height difference is an understatement. I mean I have to literally look up to her, rather up at her. I mean it's not my fault i'm short, I blame my genes. A shame really, I guarantee if I was taller i'd attract more girls, but no i'm just me.

"Didn't mean to scare you." A smirk adorning her features. Why is it that I feel her exact intentions were to scare me. Oh and that little smirk might just be the death of me. My heart seriously can't take it.

"O-oh u-um no it's fine" I stutter my cheeks burning red. I can't believe I just stuttered. Like full on couldn't get the word out. I've never even stuttered before, even in my most pressured moments. Now here I stand stuttering like a broken record.

I can't even help but stare up at her. I guess i'm bold now because all this in the open staring is beyond me.

"So, are you looking at any specific boards?" Her words ring in my ears. I almost melt at the sound of them. My knees literally going weak. If I collapse in front of her i'll never show my face on the boardwalk again.

Her voice is smooth yet has this raspiness to it. I honestly can't describe it but it's definitely doing something to me. I can feel the heat pooling in my stomach.

"Hey uh actually--" Jori waves a hand between us. "I'd like to purchase a board."

We finally break eye contact. We can only thank Jori for that.

"Yeah so um can you like ring this one up for me?" She asks pointing to the pink board. Smiling like a cheshire cat.

"Yeah sure." The girl grabs the board off the wall and continues to walk further into the back of the store. Jori and I mindlessly following. I could've sworn checkout was in the front. Once we reach the very back we see a register placed on little desk area. This is a odd place to have a register, i'm sure no one comes all the way back here.

Taking the board with her behind the little desk area, she types a couple things in.

"550 is your total. We take cash and credit."

Wait a minute! Five hundred and fifty dollars for a small surfboard. Jori takes a card out of her little purse and hands it over to the girl. I have yet to get a name from.

I scan her body—not being weird or anything. Just simply looking for her name tag. It's placed on her lower shirt. Sure is a odd place to have it especially if you're working. I can't judge though I don't have a job.

Ocean. Her name is ocean. As in the way I described her eyes. I mean it without a doubt suits her.

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