Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight| drunk?! *soulja boy voice*

Chapter Eight| drunk?! *soulja boy voice*

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Walking down the crowded sidewalk. I glance from my phone to my surroundings not wanting to bump into anybody. I'm walking to a house party, Joey asked me to come to last minute, so I took to walking as per usual. According to my little GPS I should be right at the house. I stop, glancing around to see nothing but an abandoned run down building. I notice a light in one of the windows and my feet just start walking. Well if I die I hope no one truly knows how. If my obituary were to say he died stupidly going into an abandoned building against his own better judgement. My dead self would die again.

Once I reach the door on a whim I turn one of the knobs on the two door entryway. With a creak it opens revealing a bunch of skimpily dressed sweaty bodies with red plastic cups in their hands. It looks like one of those parties you see in movies with neon lights and glow in the dark body paint. I'll assume i'm in the right place. I enter slowly closing the door behind me. Pushing my way through the sweating bodies to find a makeshift drink table on the other side.

A drink wouldn't hurt. Of course it's not alcoholic well I think it's not. It seems to be regular old punch. I pour some in a cup and down it. A couple more cups wouldn't hurt. As I drink another cup I shoot a text to Joey asking where he's at.

After about six cups I can feel my bladder begging to give way.

Stumbling off down a hallway in search of a restroom. This big boy has to take a wee.

Heh wee.

The walls wiggle as I continue to walk. My hands placed on the wiggly walls for stability. "Hey stop moving" I growl sternly talking to the walls.

"Pretty boy?" I hear a familiar voice question. I turn around grinning at the sexy girl in front of me. Ocean staring back at me with a raised brow. Dressed in a neon green jumper and black hightop vans. She really pulls the look off.

I bite my lip teasingly walking back toward her.

"Your pretty boy." I whisper standing inches away from her face. Her lips look a little inviting. Standing a little on my tippy toes pressing a quick peck on her lips. "Can I touch your hair?" I ask randomly. Without her permission I plunge my fingers into her hair.

"Your hair is literally clouds. So not fair" I whined pressing my body a little closer to hers.

"I want clouds on my head" I pout poking my bottom lip out.

"Can you eat clouds?" I wonder aloud smiling to myself.

"Yo, pretty boy." She exclaims snapping her fingers in my face.

"Can I have another kiss? Your lips felt really nice" I ask while kissing her again. This time longer with more passion. She kisses back bringing a hand to the back of my neck and pulling me closer. Her hand grazes over my side slightly gripping. I gasp softly at the pressure. Her tongue entwines with mine. She guides us both backwards still holding the kiss. We stumble into a room I didn't realize was there. I hit something soft and just sit down on it. Feels like clouds just like her hair. Our kiss deepens as she runs her hands under my shirt.

A cold hand grazes my nipple making me shiver. We finally break both of us inhaling deeply. I hold eye contact noticing her eyes have turned a darker shade of blue. She slowly peels my shirt off. Her eyes wondering over my skin. A contrast between my milky white and her caramel. Now up close and personal I realize she has the faintest freckles.

She pushes my body back hovering over top of me. Leaning down she wraps her lips around my nipple suckling softly. Looking down at her we hold each others gazes as she lightly grazes my nipple with her teeth.

I didn't even realize I was panting. Now i'm panting and squirming, quite the combination. She finally releases my poor nipple and kisses up my chest. Sucking and licking occasionally.

"Did you drink the punch?" She asks abruptly as if something had hit her and I nod my head. In one motion she's off of me and sitting up. She runs a hand through her hair shakily breathing.

"How much did you drink?"

"A couple cups, like six or something. I didn't think it would be that tasty" I inform her smiling cluelessly.

"you should know to never drink the punch at these kind of parties."

"I want to go sleepy time" I pout rubbing my eyes.

She sighs, "c'mon lightweight let me take you home."

"This is home" I giggle out rubbing my hands lazily down my body. For no particular reason.

"What's your address? I'll take you home" She asks her eyes still a dark shade of blue.

"Um...I don't remember." I speak truthfully. Everything's a little hazy. She puts my shirt back on for me and stands up, helping me up too.

"You can crash at my place."

We eventually arrive at Ocean's house. "This is where you live?" I ask amazed at how big her house is.

"Yeah, we gotta be quiet my mom's probably sleeping." We enter through the front door. All the lights off except for a dim shine from the moonlight.

"Where have you been?" Another female voice makes way to my ears. Ocean freezes in place before slowly turning to the voice. A light is cut on. Revealing a smaller woman. Mid 30s maybe. Chocolate skin and brown hair.

"Hey manman" She greets in another language i think or maybe that's the lady's name.

"Ou se an reta, e kiyès se sa a?"
(You're in late, and who is this?)

Oh now i'm lost. I just stand back and listen to them converse.

"A friend, we're going to my room now" Ocean informs who I believe is her mother. She continues walking up a staircase and I follow behind. Still stumbling a bit.

We stop at a white door at the very end of the upstairs hallway. She opens the door revealing a very spacious room with white walls and blue accent walls.

I follow behind her.

I'm sleepy. 

"We can share my bed or you can take the couch." She informs pointing toward a white couch.

I stumble toward her bed almost falling over. I plop down on top of the covers. Getting comfortable.

if you were wondering what language Ocean and her family speaks. It's Haitian Creole. Which is native to a bunch of places but specifically Turks&Caicos. Which ties into the story later on. The people who live on the island all speak an assortment of languages such as spanish and most commonly english. If you don't know what Haitian Creole is, its a french based language. It's like a sub language of Caribbean and french. Creole itself is derived from African and European languages: the mixing and simplifying of multiple languages.

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