Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine| Ballerina

Chapter Nine| Ballerina

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I slowly open my eyes. My head pounding. I groan softly cupping my head. I shoot up in bed. I don't remember coming home. Through blurry eyes I examine my room? The walls are blue so this is definitely not my room. Its huge as in apartment huge, much larger then my small bedroom. More importantly who's room am I laid up in.

I slide the comforter off me, standing, almost falling as soon as my feet touch the floor. My clothes discarded elsewhere. Now i'm wearing some random shorts and a overly big sweatshirt that falls below my knees. Engulfing my small body.

God my parents are probably spooked. I have yet to return home or show up to any of my various activities today. A door opens and i'm faced with Ocean. Which shocks me to my core when exactly did I go home with her. Wait! I went home with Ocean? I must be dreaming, I slept in Ocean's bed, thee Ocean i've been crushing over for weeks.

"Good you're awake. My mom made breakfast. There's also like aspirin over there on the desk. I know your head is probably killing you. For reference next time, never drink the punch at parties. It's usually always spiked with something." That's the most i've ever heard her talk. To be completely honest I wouldn't mind hearing her speak more.

"Your phone is right there by the way." She points off to the side, low and behold my phone is sitting on a little white wooden table. I grab it frantically looking at the time, 7:15 am. I've got to get home, dance starts in like twenty minutes. I look around desperately trying to find my clothes. I spot my shoes off near a couch. I run and grab them slipping them on as best as I can.

"Is there any way you can take me home? I have ballet in like fifteen minutes and I can't afford to be late." I rush. Still frantically looking around for any signs of my clothes. Yet they don't seem to be anywhere my eyes have landed.

"Yeah sure my car keys are downstairs, lets go."  She briskly walks out the room me following directly behind her.

"mama i'm going to take him home, no time for breakfast!" Ocean yells out as we run past her mother. Leaving her standing there dumbfounded.

The car ride was surprisingly quick. It didn't take long to get to my house.

I quickly change into my dance clothes and spray one of my dad's colognes to mask the liquor smell on me. Neither one of my parents are home so I asked Ocean if she could take me to practice. I'd get there way faster by car.

I really can't believe I got drunk for the very first time in my life. Heck I've never even considered picking up a drink before, I always have to be on my A game plus i'm only sixteen.

With only about five minutes to get to my studio on time I rush downstairs and outside. This five minutes would usually be for stretching but I simply don't have time today. We zoom through traffic. Thank goodness the police haven't stopped us. We're definitely going beyond the speed limit.

Finally stopping outside my studio with one minute to spare.

"Thank you so, so much" I quickly thank her rushing off into my studio building.

"No problem!" She shouts back, I turn around and give her a small wave through the window. In turn she grins widely and shoots a very sexy wink my way. Can't believe I just referred to her wink as sexy. It isn't a lie though.

I rush down the hallway and to my practice room. Right on time but then again it counts for nothing because i'm not stretched or anything. Slipping through the door quietly, I walk to a less crowded corner of the room. My instructor Mrs. Elliot isn't here as far as my eyes can see. Bending down quickly running through my leg stretches.

"Positions everyone!" A feminine voice booms loudly. My head snaps up to see my instructor. Dressed in her leotard and tights, blonde hair pulled up into a tight bun atop her head. Her hands planted firmly on her hips.

Everyone around me scurries to their positions. Me slowly getting in position behind them. "Mr. Parker why are you hiding in the back. Up front and center you know the drill!" Just when I thought I was in the clear.

I hurriedly run to the front. Stopping in front of Mrs. Elliot. Her face stoic and her body posture straight, demanding the best. "Run through the dance from the top." She informs me her voice just above a whisper.

Looks like she isn't going to let anything slide today. "Make room everyone!" She voices loudly causing everyone to take steps back leaving me with enough room to run through the dance. She eyes me incredulously before rolling her eyes and walking toward a corner of the room where the music player is.

The music turns on, "and move! And pointe!" I move around as gracefully as I can upon her instructions. Attempting my best to follow them to a T.

"Now grand jeté!" She rapidly claps, "Teo next time point your toes!" I don't even think it's humanly possible to point them anymore than they already are.


I do the jump making sure to point my toes. Then the music comes to an abrupt stop. "Terrible! Terrible! The performance is in two days, recruits are coming. There are opportunities there! Teo you out of all people I expect more from. Get it together or you're cut!" She shouts rubbing her temples. I flinch at her words, I truly tried my best. My head aches and i'm not in the proper state to be dancing which I take responsibility for but I tried. That should count for something.

"Alright well from the top, everyone in positions please."

Everyone around me follows her instructions as do I. Okay this time around i'll do better because if one thing is true Mrs. Elliot is absolutely serious about cutting me and that goes for everyone else too. There has been multiple cuts in the past.

The music begins to play and we all run through the routine.

"Absolute wonderful job Daniel." Mrs. Elliot praises as the music comes to a stop. Daniel looks at me discreetly with a smug smirk—there's always been a sort of rivalry between us but I didn't initiate it, he did. For some reason he's never liked me and it's been that way for years. I tried to make friends with him but he was outright rude so I left it at that.

"Thank you Mrs. Elliot." He thanks while walking off to the side glancing back at me, his head held high.

"Sip your drinks then get back into positions. We aren't finished just yet" Mrs. Elliot informs everybody.

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