Chapter 6

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Chapter Six| Why not bum

Chapter Six| Why not bum

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I squirm in my seat. Reflecting back on Ocean's words. I haven't mustered up the courage to go back to the boardwalk since that day. Now all i've been doing is nonstop thinking about her and it's beginning to take a toll on my school work and other things.

I've been distracted during ballet, we have a performance coming up and I seem to forget the choreo everytime the music starts. Luckily my instructor hasn't cut me. Focusing in school has become my biggest problem though. My Father just sat me down the other day and told me to get my act together. I never thought a few words would hold so much power over me. Not to mention Jori's been riding me trying to get some kind of explanation. I've got to somehow just forget about it and get myself together.

Okay Teo time to get your life together.

The bell sounds signaling class is over and it's time for lunch. Walking to my locker I quickly open it grabbing my packed lunch. Rushing to the lunch room I sit at my regular lunch table, unpacking my food items.

"What's up? You tryna go to the boardwalk with me later?" My friend Aiden asks sitting down next to me at our lunch table. As I open my Tupperware containing my salad. I shake my head no while taking a bite of my salad.

"Why not bum?" He questioned whilst sipping out of his water bottle. I think bum might be his favorite word as many times he call's me that.

"Because...I'm not interested in going." I explain eating more of my salad. Glancing over at him every once in awhile. Jori, Joey, and Sophia all come and plop down at our table.

"Guys Teo doesn't want to go to the boardwalk with me. Somebody beat him up." Aiden whines with doe eyes.

"Oh that's because his girlfriend works at one of the surf shops." Jori announces while giggling. I send her a death glare. If looks could kill she'd be dead.

"You have a girlfriend?!" Sophia squeals looking surprised. Eyes wide and mouth agape.

"Just kidding she's way out of his league." Wow, Jori's just coming with all the low blows today. I wonder who upset her.

"Thanks for the boost of confidence Leia." I sigh using her first name. First time i've used her real name in about two years.

"Awe look you made the baby mad." Aiden coos at me, smiling widely revealing his perfect teeth.

"Fine, fine. I'll go to the boardwalk with you. No need to continue." I rush out not wanting him to get started with the baby voice thing he likes to do. It's a pain in the behind when he does it.

"I like speaking like this though" he coos once more in the same baby voice. I scrunch my face in disgust. I hate when he makes that voice. His favorite thing to do for the past few years was annoy everybody with the baby voice.

"No one else likes when you speak like that." Joey adds in, finally speaking up after being so quiet.

"Wait does anybody else want to come?" Aiden asks finally speaking normally.

"I mean I guess I can come." Joey mumbles eating his food while staring at something on his phone.

"I'm not doing anything just text me when we're going." Sophia adds in getting up to throw her trash away.

"Well since you guys are begging me I guess I can fit y'all into my schedule" Jori says looking at her phone, busy typing away at something.

"Did you just say y'all?" I ask, laughing at her. She swears she's not southern but it jumps out of her at times. Don't know why in the world she denies it when her mother is the southernest thing walking around in cali, accent and all.

"I meant to say you all." She rushes out glaring at me. Lips pressed into a thin line.

"It's okay southern bell." I jokingly let out knowing it'll push her buttons. I never really got down to the bottom of that. No one knows why she reacts the way she does when we mention her being southern.

After school let out, we all reconvened at my house. Then proceeded to go to the boardwalk as we had planned.

"Look at him, looking around, he's looking for his girlfriend guys." Jori teases making everyone look at me.

"She's not my girlfriend." I correct her, continuing to walk alongside everyone.

"You sure? You're blushing and we haven't even seen her yet." Aiden questions wriggling his eyebrows. A smirk present upon his caramel features. We're coming up toward the shop and I find myself falling behind the group. My heart beating too fast to count.

Jori slows down with me then drags me forwards. "We should go in there." Everybody's eyes look to the shop she's pointing at. Oh Jori knows exactly what she's doing and I bet I don't go in there. She's such a sly little gardening tool. Everyone gives their little yeahs and start heading into the shop while I just linger outside. Jori turns around and gives me a knowing look before dragging me into the shop. Everybody kind of separates just going off to look at different things while I just find a corner and stand there. Which is what I would usually do.

"What did I say?" I drag my eyes from her feet to her face. The question alone sending shivers down my spine.

"H-hi" I stutter with a small wave. I never get this timid around people what the heck is she doing to me.

"That's better." Even if it wasn't meant to be a praise I take it like one. My mood just went from okay to real happy.

"You like anything you see?" She asks staring me down her lip tugged between her teeth. My already pink cheeks probably turning a crimson red. I find myself nodding. You ever had an experience where your body just reacts rather than you thinking about your reaction then reacting. Yeah that just happened to me. I  wholeheartedly did not mean to nod.

"What is it? Or who is it?" She asks her voice sounding like there's a hint of teasing behind it. The corner of her mouth tugged upwards into a smirk, her hands folded in front of her. I don't answer, I just continue to look down.

"Well I see something I want and I usually get exactly what I want." Her voice comes out just above a whisper.

"W-what do you want?" I ask her feeling a little bit confident. Don't know where the burst of confidence came from but i'll roll with it.

"Your friend." My mood instantly drops at her words. A frown making way to my face. My friend?

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