Chapter 14 (1/2)

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^press it, I just now realized months later Ocean wasn't added, oops.

Chapter Fourteen| I'll take you home

Chapter Fourteen| I'll take you home

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Mature Language

"So where are we going?" Imani questions from the passenger seat. Ocean glances over at her before focusing back on the road.

"Parkers' lighthouse"

A grin makes way to her face, her eyes lighting up. "You're taking us to parkers' lighthouse?" Ocean nods her head slowly, Imani almost pounces on her. Instead she settles for a half hug considering Ocean's driving.

"Look I know you're on a diet or whatever but I plan on doing the four course menu. Might as well get as much out of it as we can."

"Last time I checked it's fifty something a person." Imani mumbles, "i don't have any money on me. Well I have money but i don't want to spend it on some expensive food." she truthfully lets out a slight pout on her face.

"Fifty?! A person! You deadass right now Mani?" Ant screams out, scooting up in between the middle of the seats staring bewildered at Ocean and Imani. His head vigorously looking between the two.

Imani giggles a little before nodding her head. "Aw yeah y'all buggin' i'm not paying no fifty for some damn food. Ia' take my ass right on to in-n-out somewhea' and eat." Ant smacks his teeth before leaning back sinking into his seat. Then he turns to me a devious smirk on his face.

"Say ni—I mean son you tryna pay fo' me?" He questions a glint in his eyes. I don't have any money either, i'm in the same boat as Imani and him. Looks like there's essentially zero dollars to all of our names.

"I don't have any money." I mumble looking off out the window. I should've really thought before accepting going out to eat with them. Completely slipped my mind that I have zero dollars to my name. How in the world did I think I was going to pay for my food.

"Chill out Antony, i'm paying for everybody. It's no problem at all." Oceans speaks up from the drivers seat. Antony does a little dance cheesing really hard. I find myself smiling, he's so goofy.

"So...what's yo name?" Antony asks staring dead at me.

"Teo" I respond back turning to fully face him.

"That shit kind of sound exotic, like some typa foreign name." Well I wouldn't say exotic but it isn't that common.

" old are you?" He asks, attempting to make conversation since the car is so silent.

"Sixteen, and you?" I respond back politely. His eyes widen and he starts to fan his face. "Lord i'm 'bout to pass out, you said SIXTEEN?!" I nod my head at his remarks.

"Ocean you're going to fucking jail." He half yells, still fanning himself. Ocean refrains from turning back but you can see the frown on her face.

"Say son i'm just fucking with you, shoulda' seen yo face." Ant laughs out pointing at me. My once frown turns into a smile as I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. His laughter so contagious I find myself snickering a little. A dimple evident in his cheek as he throws his head back in laughter.

"Y'all's secret safe with me lil' dude." He whispers finally coming down from his laughing fit.

Within twenty to twenty five minutes we reach parker's lighthouse.

Imani links her arm with me, pulling me off to the side. "So you and Ocean?" She cheeses, her eyes glinting as she speaks. I give her a small nod, I guess it's me and Ocean.

"It's not serious or anything like that." I rush out looking to clarify my head nod.

"Mhm" She hums in response dragging me into the restaurant. We enter, the two of us looking around examining our surroundings. The floors a brown and beige checkered pattern. Matching brown tables scattered about, with brown wooden stools and ivory cushioning.

We spot Ocean and Antony already sat off to the side at a brown round table. Imani and I make our way over to them. Taking seats next to each other. I notice Ocean's gaze on me so I hold it with my own nervous one. Her eyes trained on me observing my every movement.

"Switch me" She mumbles not even breaking her gaze. I hear shuffling beside me but I don't stop looking at her. More so I can't stop, her eyes so enticingly beautiful. They seem to pull me in deep the longer I hold her gaze. She stands from her seat still eyeing me as she walks around to where i'm seated. Plopping down next to me. Her ocean eyes never leaving my own mahogany ones.

"H-hi." I greet her for the very first time today. Finally breaking our gaze. My whole body heating up. Any longer and I might've just passed out.

"Hey." The word slides off her tongue easily as she cracks a smile. "You did amazing by the way." She compliments her voice only loud enough for me to hear. I glance off to the side shyly. "You looked nice too." She adds which only adds to my racing heart.

"Thank you." Is all I can muster, my voice barely coming out. I want to know what she thought seeing me perform. How she felt looking at me. For some reason i'm just eager to know.

"So you enjoyed the performance then?" I mumble softly glancing away once more. Now afraid to hold her gaze, her deadly deadly gaze. It was like she could stare straight into my soul.

"Yeah, you mostly though. I have to say i've never seen a male ballerina before. My imagination definitely did you no justice." I find myself gazing at her lips. Adoring the way they form words.

"Kiss me." I whisper softly finally looking in her eyes. Her eyes are exactly like the ocean, so calm and serene yet chaotic. I hadn't noticed how much we were both leaning in until she captured my lips with hers. I easily melt into her, forgetting everyone around us. The kiss is long, fervent, and sweet. She playfully bites my bottom lip before backing away.

"Damn in front of my salad." I hear Ant groan, making us both look over to him. He points at a salad that I hadn't even seen being placed on the table.

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Ant with the sauce 🙉^

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