Chapter 15 (2/2)

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Chapter Fifteen| I-i can't

Chapter Fifteen| I-i can't

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Later On

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Later On

"C'mon I promise you'll be fine." Oceans urgespp pulling gently on my hand. I tug back planting my feet on the ground. I'm super afraid of heights my body is actually shaking. Ferris wheels scare the living life out of me. They're beyond dangerous, so much could go terribly wrong.

"I-i can't!" I stutter out, my body shivering. Her eyes soften as she stares back at me.

"Awe it's okay pretty boy, we can do something else." She coos her voice going soft. I feel like i'm ruining this for her, I literally can't go on any of the rides. She looked so happy too. Now I just feel bad.

Something from behind me catches her eye, her once small smile intensifying. "Hey look why don't we do that." She exclaims pointing toward a stand with bowling pins set up and various prizes hanging. She drags me over to the colorful stand. A man who looks incredibly bored standing off to the side behind it. "Five dollars for three balls, ten for six." He mumbles out lazily, more focused on his nails. His brown hair blowing in the little breeze.

Ocean pulls a small wallet out of her pocket and pulls out a ten dollar bill. Sticking it out for the man to grab. He takes a minute before grabbing the money and walking somewhere to get the balls. He comes back with six balls that kind of resemble softballs. Placing them on the little ledge thing. "You go first." Ocean says giddily. So I pick up one of the balls and aim it at one of the stack of pins. I bring my arm back throwing it the best I can only for me to miss. Sighing, I pick up another ball, this time throwing it harder hoping to knock a pin down.

I miss again.

I pick up one more, throwing it with all my might...and I missed again. I think my hand eye coordination is off. How hard is it to hits some pins with a ball. I hear a snicker and snap my head toward Ocean to find her holding in a laugh, a hand covering her mouth. "Think you could do better?" I ask sassily, at least I put forth effort.

Nodding slowly she picks up one of the last three balls. It flys smoothly through the air and knocks over a stack of pins, leaving only three stacks of three left.

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