Chapter 25

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Chapter Twenty-Five| All this bickering!

I recoiled into myself, hearing them argue was like a slap to my face

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I recoiled into myself, hearing them argue was like a slap to my face. Even if they were hushed with their tones, I knew they were bickering back and forth.

"Who even are you?"

"My name is Ocean, feinrick."

"It's Heinrich and I don't believe it's a good idea. Him and you."

I heard her scoff.

"And what would you know about anything good for him? You don't even know me."

"Doesn't matter, I don't like you anyways. And if you knew one thing, you'd know he's practically banned from relationships. And don't get started on how he's supposed to be abstinent. You of all people shouldn't have taken that from him."

"Me of all people! What? You were supposed to, hm? Is that it, you wanted him to be prim and proper and save himself for you. Look Finch, I can guarantee Teo doesn't even realize you like him. And if he does, he clearly doesn't want you."

"I-I don't like him! I'm not even gay."

"Then why in the fuck are you worrying about me taking his virginity. You should think twice before lying in someone's face. I could see when I walked through that front door you wanted him." 

I stood awkwardly in the hallway as Ocean came storming out. Her surprised to see me even listening in.

"Estipid plezi anpil ti gason.

I tilted my head in childlike curiosity. It was refreshing to hear her speak her native language, but the circumstances sent a pang to my heart.

"Eh nothing, I'll be taking my leave now. Just text me when you're coming over."

Her plush lips pecked mine quickly before she took off down the hallway. Then Heinrich came to my attention. Did he actually have feelings for me...and I just never noticed? How could I possibly be such an airhead? It sort of made sense though, now that all his past actions flow to mind. It was the small touches that now stood out more than ever.

"You won't tell will you?" I asked not realizing how my eyes made me look like I was pleading.

Heinrich sighed, rubbing his hands tiredly over his face, "No Teo, that information is for you. Just...Just be careful, and if she ever does anything you can call me in a heartbeat." I nodded my head softly...maybe he just had my best interest in mind? We had known each other since we were in elementary school. Even when Collin and him moved away he would still contact me from time to time.

Heinrich's features had contorted from their very obvious sad expression to one of happiness. I knew it was fake though. He had something weighing on his mind, but he wouldn't say.

"Look at you Teo! All grown up. Who would've thought little ballerina would be the rebellious type." I could only flash him a timid smile, because I would've never thought I'd be experiencing what I am. I didn't even know I would develop a crush on someone, let alone get that crush. Well I still did everything my parents wanted! I just finally got around to doing what I wanted too.

"Heinrich...can you tell me what's wrong?" I peeped, avoiding his eyes. He was so clearly tense, I just hoped whatever that's bothering him he gets over quickly. If we're to have a family dinner, I surely don't want it to spill over to that.

Heinrich inhaled sharply, his broad shoulders rising and falling, the muscles under his shirt stiffened, "N..Nothing's wrong Teo, just promise to be careful with that girl. And I mean it, call my phone, if anything ever arises."

"I don't understand, why do you keep telling me to be careful. Ocean has never done anything to harm me."

"Because Teo!" His strong arms wrapped around mine, too tight for my liking. I felt like I was being handled like a rag doll, "Teo you're naive, and fragile. Relationships aren't always good, and you're sneaking around to be with her. This is not going to end well, so I'm warning you while you're so whipped and head over heels to be careful." If it weren't for the hoarseness in his tone, I would've thought it was a snide comment. But he seemed rather upset about this.

It just didn't feel right though. This is not the Heinrich I've come to know. I would've thought he wouldn't have cared about what goes on with me privately. I feel it's not fair though! Who is he to offer his opinions and argue with Ocean. When he's always done whatever he's wanted. And who is he to call me fragile, and naive?! I am far from a child.

"I am not naive..a-and fragile!" I protested struggling in his strong hold, "a-and I'm not sneaking! I just haven't introduced her to my Mom and Father yet."

"Why Teo? Why haven't you introduced her yet? Why did you specifically allow her here when your parents left? Huh!"

"That's not any of your business! I-I can choose when to introduce someone to MY own parents. You don't get to offer criticism."

"Really?! It doesn't have anything to do with my criticism. You haven't introduced her because you know damn well your parents won't approve. For goodness sake how even old is she?"

I furrowed my brows, not liking the way he would lightly shake my body as if trying further to get a point across. I am no younger than him! I shouldn't be treated like this. "H-her age isn't your business!" I squealed attempting once more to snatch my arms away. Heinrich's eyes bulged further out of his head.

"Is that it? I've hit the bullseye. She's older than you? How many fucking years Teo? Is that why you haven't let your parents know. Is she making you sneak around?"

"It's only two Heinrich." I cried, yet no tears came out. An ache growing in my arms. He was hurting me and I'm sure he knew it. With how I winced, and squirmed yet he wouldn't let go.

"Teo you're a fucking minor! Do you know how wrong that is? This is what I was talking about, you're naive and don't understand how she could be taking advantage of you."

"Heinrich please let me go, you're hurting me. Please let me go."

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