Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven| This clown

 Chapter Eleven| This clown

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Mature Language

"Watch where the fuck you going." I flinch violently looking up at the caramel male in front of me. A scowl present upon his features. I accidentally bumped into him, me not watching where i'm going. A very bad habit of mine that seriously needs to be broken.

"I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to bump into you." I apologize profusely picking up his bag that fell out of his hand and handing it to him. He snatches the bag from me mumbling something before looking back at his phone.

I walk past him only to bump into yet another person after only taking a few steps. "Watch it." The voice comes out smooth and I feel my knees buckle. Just my luck to be running into Ocean. Finally looking up at her, and her looking down at me. I see a fire ignite in her electric blue eyes. "Sorry pretty boy." She mumbles. Her eyes shift to my neck then down to my collarbone where they linger. Her tongue slipping past her lips, gliding over them quickly. Before her eyes snap back to mine. I had pieced together what happened when I spent the night with her. Lets just say I proceeded to do some indecent things in the shower after I remembered everything.

"You know this clown?" The semi-deep voice from the man I bumped into a couple seconds ago questions. I'm sure the question is directed to Ocean not me.

She looks at him with furrowed brows before speaking. "Wi, gen bon" (yeah, be nice) The words glide off her tongue easily, never thought i'd get all bothered over someone speaking a different language.

His scowl softens at whatever she said. "nou ka kite?" (can we leave?) He lets out staring past me and at Ocean. As I glance between the two of them. They kind of look alike, not a lot though. Certain facial features resemble each other.

"Yeah." She responds, before turning her attention back to me. "Come by, you know what days I work." she whispers with a mischievous undertone.

"I thought you said eighteen and sixteen don't look too good together." I respond back rather sassily. My emotions are all over the place. For reasons I can't even explain.

"What they don't know can't hurt them." She whispers back with a wink.

I'm so confused, and that's saying something because i'm rarely ever confused by someone's actions. She walks past me standing across from whoever the man is.

"Bye." She says and they turn to walk off.

Now to find Jori and Joey because they need to help me sort through this mess. I rush off in the opposite direction. Only to find the two in some random clothing store.

"So let me get this right, she told you to come talk to her when you turn seventeen. Then she turned around and made out with you at the party I invited you to. Then you went home with her—my fault by the way, I meant to answer your text. Then she just now told you some cheesy old line about y'alls age difference." Joey babbles loudly with a confused expression. Jori agreeing silently on the other side of me.

"A whole mess." Jori adds in. Her busy staring at some boy across the way walking into the GameStop store. Definitely about to waste his money. Everybody knows GameStop is most definitely not the place to stop if you're looking to buy a game or even get money for your old ones. You can go in there with twenty good mint condition games and only get about thirty something dollars for them. A whole scam, sham, and everything else all in one.

I nod confirming Joey's words as he stares at me. Everything he said sounds about right. The age thing was a little cheesy but who am I to judge, it sure made my heartbeat skyrocket.

"I mean I get she's model status gorgeous but she will literally catch a case for talking to you. Hate to break it to you Teo but you're jailbait." Joey's not wrong. I'm familiar with California's consent laws.

"But it's not like we've had sex or anything." I whine out, not really meaning to whine. Just simply trying to prove a nonexistent point.

"Yeah well.." Joey mumbles out. Jori sticks an arm out blocking us from moving. Her head snapping to ours.

"Teo Chi Parker, we're not about to pretend you didn't just say that. When did you start taking sex into account?"

"I mean well since...well I obviously know i'm a minor but she would only get in trouble if we were sexually active, which we aren't. It's just flirting and mixed signals." I manage to stumble out, not really sure what I wanted to say.

"Oh...okay" Jori says dropping her arm and going back to her smiley self. I don't miss the fact that she shoots a smirk toward Joey. We turn into a champs store. Passing by a group of teen girls giggling amongst themselves.

"Dang it's like she really might catch a case messing with you." Joey chuckles out to himself. Which is not funny at all might I add. "I mean i'm not knocking it. You do you, who's going to stop you."

"Period." Jori adds in bringing her well manicured hand up and doing the motion.

"The police." Joey snickers out, probably in response to his who's going to stop you.

I try to slap the back of his head but he dodges, going into full on out laughing. "I. crack. myself. up." He wheezes out in between laughter. His usually silvery voice going up in pitch as he laughs his head off.

"ew you're ugly laughing." I tease running my hand along a clothing rack filled with shirts.

" I tease running my hand along a clothing rack filled with shirts

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But as Jori said... PERIOD.

all the Haitian Creole have rough translations being that some of it can't be simply translated over into english.

And and and (plus two more and's) please bare with me with the age difference thing. Everything will fall into place. I promise i'm taking this story somewhere.

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