Chapter 23

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Chapter Twenty-Three|Who the fuck is that?

  "Pretty boy? Are your parents home?" Ocean asked me, to my surprise

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"Pretty boy? Are your parents home?" Ocean asked me, to my surprise. It had been a couple days since we've spoke, which made the under layers of my heart ache. I even found myself googling why she had abruptly stopped texting and calling me. I came to the conclusion that she might've been busy. There were plenty parts to Ocean I had no idea of, so busy was my only and final guess.

Today both my parents weren't home, which wasn't unusual. They were both very busy people, engrained into their work. Although my Mom was home more often as she always made time for me. My Father on the other hand could care less. I always hoped and hoped he would show to one of my events or even join us for family dinner. However I was coming to terms with his way of life; I most often spoke and seen him during business studies. He was molding me into the "man" he wanted me to be. Whether I liked it or not, I'm sure I'd end up being CEO of his "empire".

Now in the moment I was ecstatic that Ocean had ringed my cellphone. I was even more joyous that she wanted to come over. Although one of my Father's childhood friends was visiting from New York, where he resided. With his two children and wife. And to my surprise he brought the three with him. I assumed he might have just been visiting on business but I guess it was more-so one of those friend things. The type where they would pop up, and stay awhile since they had known you so long. Although there were always underlying hints of competition between my Father and his friend—Joseph.

"My parents are gone Father's friends are here for the week. You can still come though!" I rush, still really wanting to see her. I miss her like crazy. Its something about her that makes me long for her.

"Dad's friends huh? Well I'm already outside so c'mere Pretty Boy." Her words make me shimmy my body in happiness. She's outside, she's outside!

I run to my dresser, tossing a few items out before finding my desired shorts. She particularly likes these shorts, rather that's what I've concluded. I noticed her staring relatively harder when I wear them. They're just a simple pair a black shorts, similar to the ones I sport whilst dancing. I toss my T-shirt off to the side too, opting for a white tank. Slipping on my most adored baby blue crocs.

I rush put of my bedroom, and downstairs ignoring the odd glances Joseph and his family gave me.

"Ocean!" I squeal, finally making my way out the front door. She perks up when she sees me running out. Standing her body up straight from leaning on her car. With open arms, I give her the largest grin I could muster. Crashing into her arms and hugging her tightly. Her scent overwhelming my senses, leaving me in a calmed state.

"I missed you, why didn't you text or call?" I whined a little sinking into her hold. She ran her hands soothingly up and down my back. If I could relax any more, I did.

"I had some business to handle, I'm here now aren't I?"

I hummed with my lips in a pout. It dawned on me now just how much I was missing her.

"You want to go watch a movie?" I perked, now looking into those gorgeous eyes of hers. They looked so...serene.

"Sure let's go." I smiled to myself dragging her to the porch of my home. I'll have to let go of her hand now, or else it'll be a million and one questions later on. I already know some are coming, since my parents have never actually met Ocean, and now I'm openly bringing her into our house. This might've been a bad decision but I didn't want to be away from her any longer. Pushing Joseph, his family, and my family to the back of my mind. I hesitantly withdraw my hand from hers and walk inside. Her following closely on my heels.

Entering Joseph shoots me a curious gaze, his wife joining him. The one look that startled me was their sons—Heinrich. He was...glaring, so hard I could feel the heat radiating from his gaze.

Heinrich and I were never the closest of friends. Considering we had been made to discreetly compete since we were children.

Somehow he always had the upper hand. It made sense though he was significantly larger than me. In stature and weight. He stood tall at 6'0 effectively towering over me. He had a football players build—specifically quarterback. Muscles littered his body with ease. While I was of course short and on the leaner side, taking after my Mom.

Heinrich always had this playfully rude attitude toward me. What stemmed it I don't really know. All I know his he would pick fun at me yet somehow cheer me on at the same time. He thought it was silly that I danced, but never downed me for doing so. Yet he made up childish nicknames about it to annoy me. He was quite a complex person.

I chose to ignore it and keep walking, shaking the bad feeling off my body. I assume Ocean noticed his glare because her hand went to my waist. Right then I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

We quickly made our way upstairs and to my cozy little room. We would have to go into the small room down the hall to watch our movie, as my parents thought it was a bad idea for me to have a tv in my bedroom.

"Who the fuck was that?" Was the first sentence that hit my ears as I plopped down on my bed. A shiver went down my spine as I went to look at Ocean.

"H-Heinrich." I stuttered softly, a nervousness growing inside me. Ocean did not look too happy.

"Why was he staring like he wanted to chew my head off? Y'all got something going on? 'Cause I think I'm missing something."

"What! No, no, no." I squealed hopping up and rushing over to a standing Ocean.

"No, that's my Father's friend' son. I told you they were staying here. And h-he usually acts like that." I rushed placing a hand softly on her forearm.

"You sure? Because that boy looks like he wants you. And he can't have you, you're mine." She growled.

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