Chapter 5

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Chapter Five| A guy can dream

For some reason everyday I find myself on the boardwalk hoping to see Ocean again

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For some reason everyday I find myself on the boardwalk hoping to see Ocean again. Even with a schedule packed to the brim. I find some kind of time to walk past that surf shop to see if she's there working. At this point i'm borderline stalking and I may have her whole work schedule figured out. Thursday's, Saturday's, and Monday's. In the evening. From 5:00 till closing which is 8:00. I think her schedule might've changed since when I first encountered her it was late morning.

I know very less than subtle of me but i've never been interested in anyone more than her. I guess you could say i'm crushing impeccably hard. I mean hey a guy can dream.

Sadly girls don't usually go for guys like me so the interest she showed me kind of just sparked something in me.

I'm a short little 5'6 guy with no muscle compared to these other highschool boys'. I dance, like in a non figurative way, i'm a ballerina—a male ballerina. I could be described as a nerd, studying and extracurriculars fill up my life. So yeah i'm not typically sought after. Of course she doesn't know i'm a nerd or that I dance. Perhaps i'm just trying to justify knowing her work schedule.

"I guess you know my whole schedule huh?" A voice distracted me from my thoughts. I recognized it in a split second. I turned around quick as ever, looking down at me was Ocean or as I like to say Ocean eyes.

"W-what're y-you talking about?" I questioned stuttering of course.

"You think I don't see you walking past the store all the time. I mean you never go into any other shops you just kind of discreetly walk past then keep it pushing. I have eyes y'know?"

My cheeks burn hot at her words as I look off to the side. A whole new side of shyness coming out. I can safely say, no one has ever made me feel this shy in my life. No one aside from...Ocean and a person we shall not speak of. Although that does not compare to what I'm feeling now.

"Why don't you just come say hi. I don't bite, unless you want me to." She grins a wolfish grin. My eyes quickly snap to hers then to the ground. Now i'm all flustered and what not, "hehe I'm kidding, no need to be so flustered."

"I-i'm sorry" I mumble out not knowing what to do in this type of situation. In any other situation I could handle it. I could think quickly on my feet, but this was different....

"You don't have to—wait, look at me when i'm talking to you."

The dominance placed in those words make me instantly lock eyes with her. I've never had anybody utter that to me.

"Now as I was saying, apologizing isn't necessary. Just know next time you're around here I want you to come say hi. What's the point in coming all the way out here, if you just walk past and leave. I don't mind speaking to you."

I nod at her words and she walks off to wherever she came from.

What. The. Heck. Just happened.

Firstly I never even saw her approach me. I could've sworn she was in the store. Secondly why do I feel as if my whole body's on fire.

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