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I just got a call from the hospital, telling me that Felix had woken up from his coma.
His coma had lasted five full days, making me incredibly worried.

I felt horrible for what I did. I didn't mean to push him off, no way would I ever try to do something like that to him.

In the time spend of five days without him, I realised how much I really did need him in my life. It was absolute torture to know that he wasn't okay.

I felt empty without him by my side, and only five days without him felt like absolute hell. I just wished to get him back as soon as possible.

Taking Felix's car, I drove to the hospital as fast as I could. My eyes were getting watery at the thought of him, laying in the hospital bed and unable to move.

I remember how my time in the hospital wasn't pleasant, as the room was suffocating. I could only imagine what it felt like for Felix.

He probably hated me. Not only did I keep it a secret that I knew about what happened to our mother, but the fact that I pushed him off a cliff. Of course it was an accident and Felix, being the most kind hearted person in the planet, might even forgive me.

Even though that was a possibility, he probably would still keep a reasonable distance between us all the time. He must despise me.

Wiping away the tears underneath my eyes, it felt selfish to cry when Felix was the one suffering, only because of me.

If I wasn't in his life, he would be so much more happier. He deserves something much better than me. Not to even mention all the horrible shit I had done in the past.

The air in the car started getting stuffy as the minutes passed. The closest hospital was pretty far away.

The memories of the evening when Felix was pushed off the cliff were haunting me. I saw nightmares of him falling down and seeing his fragile body hit against the ground.

I could remember the dream vividly, as I saw the same one over and over again every night. The blood coloring the ground as his body fell onto it and his expression while falling down. Only the memory of it made me feel nauseous.

I would vomit almost every morning after the dreams. The sight of blood next to Felix's lifeless body was just too much for me.

Parking the car, I ran inside the hospital, as I was desperate to see Felix after what felt like forever.

After asking for his room number, I made my way there.

I was now standing infront of it, but something was keeping me still. I didn't want to go inside, as I was really afraid to see his reaction after seeing my disgusting self.

The thoughts about him hating me came lingering back, as they tried to bury me mentally alive. I should be happy about him finally recovering, but I just couldn't bring myself to 'be happy'.

Honestly, I didn't feel happy at all. Relieved yes, but happy?

I don't know if I will ever be able to forgive myself. I almost murdered the love of my life. If Felix's death was something to happen, I would quit everything at once.

Taking in a deep breath, I knocked the door, not wanting to just burst in and startle the poor boy.

I could hear a quiet 'come in' from inside the room. I felt extremely nervous now, as my hands started feel a bit clammy and shaky.

Turning the door knob, I looked down as I was scared to look at his face. Maybe he would start yelling at me, how I'm a monster for even considering to visit him after what I did.


Felix greeted me.

Finally taking my gaze off the floor, I could see Felix sitting on the bed. He waved at me a bit, which made my heart feel weak.

He had bandages on his arms and around his head. I could only assume that his legs were full of them aswell, but I couldn't see them, as they were covered with a blanket.

"Felix..I'm so sorry."

I said while running up to him. As I put my arms around him, I could feel him tense up slightly under my touch.

I probably startled him, but I really couldn't care in that moment. I was just so greatful to have him back. I inhaled his scent after all this time of him being away from me, I felt at home again.

After some time, as I didn't want to let go, Felix put his arms around me and patted my back. I missed this so much, I missed him.

Finally letting go of him, I pecked his cheek quickly.

"I missed you so much you have no idea! Another day without you and I would've seriously lost it!"

Taking his hand in mine, as I stared at his beautiful eyes. Looking at his features precisely, specially his freckles, I finally let out all my emotions out through tears.

I didn't feel like holding myself back, as my loud sobs filled the eerie room. Sitting next to Felix on the hospital bed, he smiled fondly at me.

"Sorry, but who are you?"

~the end~


Thank you so much for reading this book 💞
I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I enjoyed making it~


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