Chapter 86: Jenalyn

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Sunday, 5:00 P.M.

"Harlee doesn't not like you..." Harper says as we stand across from each other in the elevator, making our way back to Tyler and Gage's room to wait for Harlee. "She's just like... super busy. Almost all of the time- work and things related... so, yeah!"

She lets out a laugh that's supposed to seem nonchalant, but I can sense some type of emotion behind it.

"Aren't I like... her work right now though?" I ask anyway, pulling my phone from my pocket as I feel it vibrate. "Thank goodness you're here, huh? I've only got to see her maybe a half hour total!"

Harper laughs again, her face growing flushed for a moment as she playfully rolls her eyes. "You're not work." she says, stepping out of the elevator. "You're here to hang out, and work came up. I promise you're okay!"

I'm still having a hard time processing that this is actually real life. After everything I've been through in life- experiencing something like this just seems.. impossible.

I nod my head as I follow Harper down the hall, only half listening to her as she continues to tell me I'll be okay. Everything inside of my body is quick to start screaming that I won't be okay though- because upon opening my messages, I'm met with a bunch of them that I apparently missed..

Dane: You're beautiful,
as always, Lil Bit.
Dane: I'm really gonna
hate fucking that face 
up tonight though. I'm
really gonna fucking
hate it babygirl.
Dane: .. nothing? Do 
you REALLY think it's a
good fucking time to 
ignore me? After 
sending me a picture
with the dude you 
fucked from that bull
shit fucking excuse of
a band?!
Dane: I swear to fucking
God Jenalyn you better
fucking answer me or 
I'm pulling the plug. 

As soon as I begin to type a response, he's calling. My heart, already pounding in my chest just from his messages alone, stops in my chest.

I don't second guess answering until Harper turns around curiously for a moment before continuing slowly to make her way down the long hallway.

"Are you fucking stupid?!" Dane growls into his phone, his voice making my skin crawl from miles away. "I've been messaging you!"

I have to calm myself before I can respond in fear of Harper eavesdropping from slightly down the hall. I've slowed my pace a little to try to distance us, but I notice she keeps slowing her pace too and looking back to check on me. 

"I'm sorry, I must not have felt my phone go off!" I try to say as if I were talking to a friend from school. I'm not sure if it works, but I hope. "I'm sorry!"

Harper glances back to check on me again, and I have to force a smile on my face though I can practically feel his anger growing through the phone. 

"What the fuck were you doing that you don't fucking feel a phone going off?!" he almost yells- I lower the volume on the phone. "When the fuck were you going tell me about the fucking boyband? After he dicked you down?!"

Harper stops outside the door she'd taken to me before, glancing back at me questioningly from a little down the hall. I signal for her to wait a moment, and turn my back to her wearing the same fake smile on my face.

"That was me telling you!" I try to whisper into the phone. The sound still carries effortlessly through the empty hall though- fuck. "That's why I sent it to you, silly!"

I let out a small but forced laugh, practically flinching as I do in fear of Danes reaction to it. But Harper still waits for me down the hall- and I mean... she already kind of showed she's nosey today.

"Silly?!" Dane snarls into the phone, pausing for a moment as he assumingly puts pieces of a puzzle together in his mind. "Are you with them now, Jenalyn!?"

I turn back to Harper forcing another smile on my face and signaling for just a few more moments.  

"Just the sister." I whisper into the phone, "It's a planned event...nothing is going to happen. I'm sorry I-"

Dane cuts me off, the fury in his voice still there though he lets out a sigh. "Know what? Wrap it up." he says, his voice changing in tone. "Wrap it the fuck up, I'm headed there now. Keep an eye on your fucking phone this time- because if I have to go in and look for you... I swear to you Jenalyn, you will not like it."

Jenalyn: Daring to Defy (#1)[Complete]Where stories live. Discover now