Chapter 2

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There were eight classes in a day at this school and JoJo was in five of mine. I don't know why I thought about him so much, he hasn't even remotely looked at me since the bus introduction.

Besides all that, I really hate this high school. I don't even bother to remember the name of it. All the girls here act the same, look the same, and talk the same. They are mostly white with their black, brown, red, blonde, or whatever hair and their preppy rich girl fashion. With their tans and Escalades, Benzes, Mercedes, and chargers.

This bitch can't get anymore duller.

I'm originally from Section 1, the hood, nothing like Section 3. My dad done moved on up, working in the city of Jordansberg and he felt like his wife and three sons needed a better life. I understand all that and respect him and all but, shit, this place is not what's up.

Another thing I can't stand is how prejudice these white people and uppity black people are. I'm just like, chill with all that hate. Some of the white girls at school look at me in shock (they don't see too many black people) and disgust (because I'm breathing their air). But then you got the jungle fever white chicks and I ain't trying to get caught up in that, that's not my thing. I'm not going to even mention the white boys.

Even though I'm now living the good life, parents making good money, I still went out my way to get a job. I needed to stay productive and do something. And I'm not that excited about my job. It's kind of out there and unusual for me. I work at the public library putting away books. My job title is a Page. The job is simple enough and I'm making more than minimum wage. Sometimes Marquis and Trent come through and bother me. I work there everyday after school from 3 to 8. So my routine stays the same: school, work, homework once I get home and by that time I'm staying in. On Saturday and Sunday I'm free and don't do much. I haven't seriously hung out with Marquis and Trent. I usually see them on the weekdays.

"Hello. Do you work here?"
I turned around to the voice. It's a woman in her late 30's.
"Yes, can I help you with something?"
"Hopefully. I'm looking for a book by an..." she looks down at a piece of paper, "E.L. James. It's for my daughter."
"Riiiiight," I say.
Immediately I knew the book because ever since I started working here that has been the most taken out book at this library and I shelve many of them. Along with the two other parts. What I really wondered at was if this book was really for her daughter or was she just making an excuse to take out the book for herself? I mostly see the older and elder women with the book. But whatever. I guided the woman upstairs to the adult fiction. This library must have cost a fortune, it's just that elegant and expensive looking.
"Which one are you--I mean your daughter, looking for?"
I showed her all the copies. I swear there are four copies of each book. The woman studied them.
"How do they go? The order?"


She's looking at me sideways. Something was just telling me that this lady is putting on a front. What 30-40 year old woman don't know about E.L. James?
"Well, Fifty Shades of Grey is the first, then it goes Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed from there."
She stared from the books to me. All this looking she's doing is over her glasses.
"I'll just get one of each."
I stared at her with my 'Really, bitch?' look. I didn't even have to introduce the books to her if she was just going to get them all.
I picked the three out and handed them to her.
"Thank you."
And she scurried along.

By 6 p.m. it's story time for the toddlers and kids. My co-worker Diana, who is 33, worked in the children and teen section. I'm all over the library working. Around 6 p.m. on Tuesday nights, twice every month, is story time. The kids are running around in their pajamas, annoying thee fuck out of me. Some of these parents don't know how to control these brats. And then there is the average 11-15 year old badass group of kids. The security guard was always throwing them out. They were just disrespectful. Two more hours.

By 7:30 p.m. things are quiet and I'm just tidying up the library so it looks presentable. I had an average day and night.

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