Chapter 16

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The party was over by 2 in the morning.
Everyone started leaving. Jolen went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I was on the couch stretching and yawning. Rakim closed a door.
"Your boy Jolen is cool and he's quiet, I like that. You know I don't like cats that run their mouth."
I listened but didn't have much to say to this.
Rakim looked hesitant about something but just shrugged and went to his room. I got the pullout ready for Jolen and I. I turned off the lights and stripped down to my boxers. Jolen came out the bathroom and laid next to me.
"Did you have fun?" I asked.
"No, but it was interesting."
I smiled.
"Of course you didn't, you weren't swinging from anything like you usually do at house parties."
He laughed. I leaned over and kissed him. I wanted to have sex but I didn't want anyone to wake up. Jolen didn't seem to care and took off my boxers. The pullout kind of squeaked a little but I didn't care either at that point. I pulled out an old condom of mines, making this our first time using one. The only reason we were using one because of the lubrication. I turned him on his stomach and slowly entered him from behind. The condom didn't feel too bad. It's been some days since we had sex so I was painfully aroused and missed Jolen's moans. As I thrusted faster the squeaking noise became more frequent but I didn't care, it all felt good.
I squeezed Jolen's ass instead of slapping. He liked the squeezing just as much. Jolen's moans were muffled by the pillows but they were still audible to me. I slowed down for a minute but picked up speed, breathing heavily. I leaned over onto Jolen, kissing around his neck and shoulders. I felt his hand come around and land on the side of my ass, to keep me deeper inside of him. I moved my fingers around the area between his scrotum and anus, rubbing and pressing right there as I continued to fuck. Jolen was moaning louder from it.
I was getting such a rush and turned on more when I covered his mouth with my hand to quiet him. I fucked him harder while his moans and groans and cries went into my hand. It got me hot and bothered when I looked down and watched my dick go in and out. Jolen was getting some white substance all over the condom. I could feel him coming but I wasn't coming anytime soon. I usually do after him but this was the first time that I hadn't. This sensation, getting fucked during and after coming, was new to Jolen. I never made him come more than once. He began to squeem a lot and made deep throaty noises in my hand. I pulled my hand away and Jolen didn't know whether to spew cuss words or to groan.
This is the longest we ever went, I think because of the condom. I was starting to get tired but I was determined to bust a nut. Jolen started shaking and I could feel him coming for a second time. He started to whimper. I kept it up because I didn't get a sign from him to stop but he started to hit me. His lower leg was constantly hitting the side of my leg and his hand was slapping my thigh and ass.

I was just admiring his ass.

I pulled out for the first time and tried something different, I kissed and sucked around his ass cheeks. He moaned my name while I did this. I even went in! Licking my way around the anus and, man, was that new for him. He continued to moan my name and 'I love yous' into the pillows. He came again for the third time.

I was on a roll at this point.

I kissed up his back as I palmed his ass. I reentered him and slowly paced up. I was back to pounding, my pelvis and his ass cheeks producing a smacking noise. Jolen really started moaning commitments about how I'm the only one and how much I mean to him and how much he loves me. Crazy shit!

He came for the fourth fucking time.

I wondered if I was going to ever lose track. He must have felt exhausted from coming as mush as I was from fucking. I know I was just going to pass out when I bust. I was looking forward to it. I started to feel it coming and I could feel Jolen clenching inside. I pulled out and came into the condom.

Oh. My. Shit.

I was too weak to take the condom off. I laid out on my back, trying to catch my breath. Jolen was chuckling. I could feel him taking the condom off and then returning to the bed 5 seconds later.
"Bravo," he said.
I laughed out loud.
He snuggled into me and began to fall asleep. I followed right behind him.

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