Murphy and Jolen

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The end.

Where to begin, where to begin?
Murphy and Jolen was one of those stories where it started off as just a page long and then thrown to the side because, eh, maybe I'll get back to it another time.
Usually when I do that those stories rarely get finished. I even have a few like that where I just don't know what to write next.

I believe I started Murphy and Jolen between 2011 and 2012. I did not have a title for it and no idea what to title it after I finished it. I just decided to go with the cliché name title.
I guess it works.
When I started the story I had only written up to a page and a quarter so the story had ended around, '... I don't know why I thought about him so much, he hasn't even remotely looked at me since the bus introduction.'
That's all I had and then I put the story aside.
For pretty much a year.
One day between 2012 and 2013 I found the story. I had forgotten all about it! I was like, 'What is this?! OMG!' And since then I had been adding details up until it was finished in August of 2013. There was another long period where I put it aside but not for too long.
I remember like it was yesterday those last few days I spent finishing this story. It was the worst period of my life! I was very sick, I was going through anxiety for the first time and a little bit of depression. It was a really bad year. I believe I was having a sinus infection because I remember my whole head just having a "hot sensation" all over, a very "nervy" sensation (my doctor out ruled meningitis) but it was bad and I felt horrible. It didn't stop me from writing and finishing this story though.
When I usually start off my stories I ponder on what my main characters are going to look like. Looks play a big role in my stories. As you can see by this story Murphy and definitely Jolen are some distinctive characters. I love the essence of Jolen.
OMG! Jolen.
My hottest character I have ever written. From his hazel brown (green and tan) eyes to his piercings to his tattoos... and that voice! I decided to be a little daring and give Jolen a characteristic that stood out which, besides his appearance, is his voice. That's how readers will recognize him. And for Murphy I didn't give him much. Next to Jolen he's rather plain and dull, besides his hairstyle which was popular at the time I started writing this.

All that I have written above was written years ago... I guess I'll talk about my thoughts as of today. I still enjoy reading this story years later, I'm aware that it's not perfect details and maybe explanation wise but I still have love for the story. It's also my most graphically written story to date. Jolen has taken a backseat as my favorite character to Alex Cruz, though.

One of the biggest things I've noticed years later is that I completely forgot that Jolen had a whole ass job. I mean the excuse could be made that he was still going to it in the background, I just didn't revisit it but still I did forget about it. I thought about editing the story but I realize I just don't do drafts. The first time I write a story I'm done with it. I don't go back and change things or rearrange things I just let them fall as they may. I guess you can say I don't dwell long on one story.

I also felt very weird doing collages for Rakim and Torrie's characters, I don't know but just know in the future I may take them down. I don't know what it is but it kind of bothered me. I guess it just feels less weird to have one picture of your character instead of a whole collage, how y'all feel about it?

I incorporated my experience/s working at a library onto Murphy. I worked as a Page at my public library for two years while I attended college. It was my first legit job and it was paying way above minimum wage. I lowkey wish I would have just stayed than to transfer to University. I was making bank. Life was good. Murphy talks of different incidents he goes through at the library and that was from my own experience. There was a lady who I was cool with that seemed to take no shit just like Macy, and I believe there was another coworker who made the comment of her fitting better as a correctional officer so I put it in the story. I did experience numerous mix ups with the magazine section and it was annoying, it was my job to make sure everything was organized. There was a lady that came and knocked all the children's DVDs over. I wasn't there but I came after the fact and a coworker who previously had an issue with the woman helped me straighten the DVDs back up. I did experience the random comments or compliments when I was at the library, shown during the scene where a random guy complimented Murphy's hair. E.L James was very popular back then so I brought it to this story, this story takes place in 2012 pretty much. There was a scene where Murphy didn't have to go to work because of a squirrel eating at the wires and disrupting the internet connection, this deadass happened to me and I didn't have to go to work that day. I can go on and I'm just now realizing how many references I did use in this story.

And let's talk about the elephant in the room: the good ass sex. Well, I hope you guys thought it was good. I can see now how insta lovey this story is but I was and still am in the habit of writing short stories. I thought I did pretty good if I do say so myself. I have yet to come across on WattPad a male on male romance story that shows as much graphic and multiple sex scenes as this story so I'm predicting now (6/17, happy belated bday Tupac 😘😘) that this is going to be my most viewed and popular story. Calling it now. I don't know how I came up with those scenes, I know that sometimes it can be uncomfortable writing such detailed interactions and I'm still trying to figure out how I did it.

Well, I guess that's all to say for now, have fun rereading 😘

🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 🖤

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