Chapter 11

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The next night I went to the party with Jolen. He basically dragged me. Once we stepped foot in the door Jolen lost his damn mind. I followed him. The first thing he did was find the nearest liquor and proceeded to chug. Then he danced, pretty much everywhere. This ended up with him taking off his shirt. I held onto it for him even though he didn't care and just threw it aside. Then he got on the dining room table and swung from the chandelier.

Really now?

And he managed not once to slip up. He was the life of the party and everyone was surrounding him. It was a little too extreme for me. I'm a chill dude and don't do too much partying. So I made my way to the back patio and sat on the steps. Girls were running around half naked and one even had her titties out like everything was all good.

I had to have sat there for ten minutes when I felt a presence on my side.
It was Jolen.
"C'mon," he said to me and pulled me along.
He stumbled a few times and I had to right him up. He managed to get up the stairs, pulling me along. I looked down the stairs and noticed Marquis and Trent watching us. I just turned back around. Jolen hadn't noticed but once upstairs he found us a room and pulled me inside, shutting the door. He began kissing me, his hands didn't know where to stay put on my body.
"You're drunk."
"No I'm not." he whispers and drags me in front of him by my jeans in front to the bed which was behind him.
He sat down and had me stand before him. I checked my phone out of habit to see what time it was. He had my jeans down then my boxers.
I set my phone down. He put me in his mouth and started to suck. My breath intaked and then I groaned. I went closer to the bed to sit down.
Once I sat I yelped, his teeth nipped me.
"I'm sorry, it's my first time," he muttered and tried again.
He did pretty well for his first time. I guided him through it but after a while I just laid back and closed my eyes.

He was doing some good things with that tongue ring.

I felt him begin to kiss up my chest and to my nipple, which he started to suck on. I wasn't expecting that to feel good but it did.
But I took his mouth and kissed him while he peeled off the rest of our clothes.
I didn't know whose room this was and I didn't know if they had lube in here. Jolen must have read my mind because he ran to the bathroom, that I didn't notice in the room, and came back with some lube. Astrogel or glide or whatever. I just took it and liked how sleek it went over my dick. Jolen turned onto his stomach.
He didn't make a noise as I slid inside him but I noticed his hands clenching to the sheets. I relaxed his knees so that he was laying flat on his stomach. This made me lean over and down on him. After that I got some moans out of him and it was a more easier access.
It felt so good everytime I was inside him. I made sure my whole dick was in there.
Jolen started to moan louder, calling me all kinds of 'Baby' and swearing. At one point I stopped thrusting and just stayed still inside him for a few seconds. He groaned to that.
Then I did the most glorious thing where I take my dick out and then put it back in. He really liked that. And then I pounded him so that all that was heard was the smacks of Jolen's ass against my pelvis and thighs over his shouts. Jolen's body started to shake and I felt a build up of his moisture, which was covering my dick.

This was a mess.

He came and then I came.

I cleaned my dick off in the bathroom that was in the room. When I came back to the bed my shit was still semi-hard. Jolen was still lying on the bed but on his back.
"I like sex," he grinned.
I laughed, he was cute.
"I like your dick. You're so big and thick."
"You're so blunt."
I sat on the edge of the bed, checking my jeans and shirt before putting them on. Jolen came closer to me, his head leveling with my lap. He laid on his back, staring up at me.
"I swear I have stamina for days," he said.
I laughed again.
"Let's do it again."
"No," I laughed and said in a voice above a whisper. "I just cleaned my dick, besides, this ain't our room and the party isn't going to last forever."
He pouted.
I looked at his eyes and noticed that they were a light, muddy brown with a few specs of green.
He was so gorgeous. I kissed him. I could tell he wasn't expecting that but he kissed me right back. He looked at me afterwards and whispered my name. I looked over at his right arm. "What made you decide to get all that?" I indicated to his tattoos.
"I wanted a sleeve."
"It looks good."
The tattoos were well done. His arm was made of words in cursive swirling around.
"Thanks, I didn't get it all in one sitting."
I smiled at him because of his voice.
"That voice of yours..."
He laughed.
"I know! I hate it sometimes. My grandad had a deep voice. I like yours, it's so soothing."
"Thank you. No matter how many times you talk to me that voice gets me everytime."
He laughed again
"Tell me about it."
I kissed him.
"Soooo, do you want to go back to my house and do it?"

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