Chapter 17

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I woke up to the smell of food. My eyes landed on the wall in the living room that was being illuminated from the light outside the window. I checked around for my boxers, glad that I wasn't exposed, and discreetly put them on. I grabbed my jeans as well. I made my way into the kitchen.
Tessia was cooking something and Rakim and Jolen were silently sitting at the table.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"3:40," Tessia answered.
My lids shot open.
"In the afternoon?!" I was bewildered.
I looked over at Jolen. "What time did you wake up?"
He looked at me while I took a seat at the table.
"Ten minutes ago, I'm not dressed or anything."
He quickly glanced at Rakim. I looked over at Rakim who in turn was watching me. Last night came to mind and I immediately started to feel embarrassed. I wondered if he heard or even saw us. He flicked his eyes over at Jolen but then looked back at me.

He knows.

And Jolen was just sitting there quietly.

It was getting darker out. I didn't know what we were going to do today but it really didn't matter seeing as how the day was almost over.
After eating I got fully clothed for the night. Jolen followed me after I was done. I stood by the window in the living room and just looked at the people on the streets. Rakim came up next to me.
"Wild night last night," he said.
I didn't know if he was referencing to me and Jolen but I pretended like I think he was talking about the party so I said, 'Yeah.'
He lowers his voice and gets a little serious.
"So your boy Jolen."
I looked at Rakim.
"What about him?"
"He's cool. We all talked last night when we got the wings, he had said some things."
I just nodded in return. Rakim's eyes didn't leave my face.
"I don't have anything against it but it seems like there's something with you two. I wanted to ask you something."
Rakim came closer and I peeped this.
"Let's run a train on him. Are you down?"
I continued to stare at him, my mind too delayed. That was the last thing I was expecting to hear. Did I even hear him right?
"Listen, Murphy, he's down with it and me and my boys are cool. So we figured we should ask you. You good to join?" At that moment Jolen gets out of the bathroom.

I'm fucking pissed and disgusted and it most likely shows.

Jolen gets closer, simply studying my face.
"Did you say it was okay for Rakim and his boys to run a train on you?"
Jolen looked all carefree, like this situation was all good. No problems, everything was cool.
"It's all good Murphy."
"It's all good?! Jolen! You are basically planning on fucking my friend and his homies, who, by the way, you know nothing about. You just met them!" Jolen just looked at me indifferently. "Are you understanding anything that I'm telling you?"
Wasn't it just weeks ago he was proposing to be my boyfriend? Neither of them had anything to say. I was so confused I just stormed out of there. I'm not participating in a gang bang on a guy that I thought was involved only with me.
I started to question Jolen's character. If he was that quick on deciding on to do something like that with guys he barely knew (my friends at that) then how many guys was he with back in Section 3? And was he even a virgin to begin with? I felt lied to.

I walked around to get some air. I ended up at the beach and watched what little there was left of the sun setting. I noticed that there was a campfire going on a few feet away from me. I watched as a guy got up and walked towards where I was near the parking lot. He was looking down and was probably going to his car. I looked at the waves, the night pretty calm.
I looked over to the guy who was talking to me. I smiled with recognition.
"Oh shit, what's up Dean?"
Dean was one of my friends back when I was living here.
"Nothing much, didn't think I'd be seeing you again anytime soon."
"Came to visit."

We ended up talking on the beach for a while. His camp buddies, who I recognized a little from my old school, began to leave. It was starting to get late and even though I didn't want to go no where near Jolen or Rakim, I had to get back. I didn't know what was in store. Dean offered to walk with me which was nice. When we were getting closer to the apartment building I saw Jolen and Rakim outside. Jolen was looking around while Rakim smoked. Jolen's eyes found me and then spotted Dean.
I really didn't like the look in his eyes.
"I'm good from here Dean, it was nice seeing you again."
"Yeah, man, take it easy, peace," he said and crossed the street.
"Where the fuck were you and who was that?!" Jolen yelled.
I stared at him like he was crazy.
"You got some nerve questioning me."
"You were gone and just left. I was worried and texted you."
"Yeah, you did text me."

I didn't answer them though.

"So who was the guy?"
He got closer to my face.
"None of your business."
"I already know Murphy! You left out of here hours ago."
"And you seriously trying to imply that I went off to have sex with someone?"
"It looks like it."
"And you're mad why? Did you not want to get fucked by my friend and his boys?"
Jolen's eyes were blazing.
"There is a difference, Murphy! I'm only cool with doing it if you're there! I wouldn't do it otherwise."
"That's not the impression I got earlier!"
Scenes like this, people yelling at each other in the night on the streets of Section 1 is normal and people pay it no mind, but I never thought I would ever find myself in that position. It kind of escalated afterwards. He even shoved me and I shoved him back. Rakim had to break us up.
"I'm gone!" I yelled. "I'm not spending another night here." I turned to Rakim. "I seriously hope that Tessia knows about you, Rakim."
I walked back into the apartment to gather my stuff. Perfect timing. Tessia was in the kitchen with her baby and looked at me.
"Talk to your man," I simply said. Lucky me. A bus going to Section 3 was coming in 15 minutes. I carried my stuff and walked in the middle of the night to the bus station. Jolen managed to keep up with me, though he was far behind me. I didn't know what to think at this moment. I remained far from Jolen; didn't talk to him, didn't sit next to him on the bus, nothing.
I must honestly care about him since he was making me feel this way.

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