Chapter 10

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Very, VERY, explicit and graphic sex scenes take place from this chapter and on, throughout the story. If that's not your thing then please either skip over the scene, stop reading or whatever you want to do.

A week later he pissed me off again. He had this brillant idea: coming out to Marquis and Trent. And in his words, 'I always thought about it. I think it's about time.'

Why couldn't he have done the shit before I arrived?

According to Jolen, he said he had been gay ever since Pre-K.

I don't understand how that happens.

A boy at the age of 4 or 5 attracted to other boys? In Jolen's words, 'I just remember always liking boys. I used to like sharing crayons and markers with them.' Jolen had really put this huge question mark in my life. Everyday I was starting to feel like this wasn't me. This wasn't right. My last girlfriend was two months before I moved here. I don't think I understand my appeal for Jolen.

One night we were making out on his bed. We had paused so that he could use the bathroom. I laid there, staring up at the ceiling and thinking about how to avoid all this and these unnatural feelings. I started to feel like I should leave Jolen. Maybe me and him needed to stop progressing this affair and it would go away. The feelings would vanish. I'm sounding inconsistent, I swear. But one moment it's all good and I'm turned on but the next moment I'm just really conscious about it all.
"Tomorrow night! Party!" Jolen said when he came back.
I finally got the deal on Jolen and his Friday partying.

He just loved to party.

"But it's going to be Marquis's and Trent's so you're invited for once."
He jumped back in bed besides me.
"Cool." Was all I said but I didn't want him to get the impression that things were off with me. "And you're going, of course."
"Hell... yeah. I'm going to get drunk, dance on tables and then pass out."
I laughed. He laid his head on my chest and his fingers were nearing my happy trail.
"What are you thinking about?" I asked.
"Sex," he said without hesitation and my heart dropped and my stomach did some flips. "I've never had sex."
I started choking on my saliva. He lifted his head and looked at me.
"You okay?"
I got the last few coughs out.
"Yeah, but you're a virgin?" I was honestly shocked.
"Yeah. I'm gay. Never been with a guy and damn sure never been with a girl."
"You're not a virgin, are you?"
"Nah, I never been with a guy though."
"I figured, but it's cool. We're like each other's first."


"I was thinking that we could do it right now," he said just above a whisper.
I tried not to choke again. As disgusted as I wanted to be... I was instead quite turned on.
"Uh, that's not going to go so well," I stated.
I started to sit up. Jolen kept his head on my chest.
"With me never being with a guy and you never being with a guy, you're looking at a bad experience here."
But Jolen just laughed.
"Murphy, it's all good. Straight and gay virgins go through this all the time, besides, I did my studying."
"Oh, I didn't know this was a test." Jolen sat up and put his head on my shoulder. He kissed on my neck a few times before looking at me and saying, 'Let's do it.'

I got such a hard on from hearing him say that.

I began aggressively kissing him and he was aggressive right back at me. He was pulling my button and zipper on my jeans.
"My dad comes home in about two hours," he said.
I couldn't help that I was in the mood, it had been a while since I've had sex but this should be quite... interesting.
"Wait." I broke the kissing. "How does this work?"
I honestly knew jack shit about how guys had sex with each other. But he just grinned.
"I'll take, you'll give."
"What does that mean?"
He just lied back and placed me on top of him, in between his legs.

Ah! I got it.

We got more loose and comfortable and took off each other's clothes.
"Do you have a hard on?" He asked me. I pressed myself closer to him.
"You don't feel that?" He laughed.
"Let's take that off."
He spoke of my boxers. He peeled off his which revealed a pretty long and thin penis and for some strange reason I was even more turned on. I couldn't help myself but I proceeded to kiss around his happy trail and in the inside of his thighs, that got him moaning.

Jolen was a dirty talker after that.

It made me wonder if he had lied to me and had sex before. After his moaning and after seeing my dick, he got more excited and kept telling me to 'Put it in' and to 'Fuck me hard'.

It was very dirty but I wasn't complaining.

I just didn't have a fucking condom. I said this and in response he reached over the side of his bed and gave me petroleum jelly.
"This ain't a condom," I said with all confusion in my voice.
"We don't need one."
I stared at him like he sometimes does to me.
"Nigga, what?"
He was grinning because he found this to be amusing.
"You can trust me and I trust you. What could possibly hurt us? I won't get anything from you and you damn sure won't catch anything from me, unless there is some type of disease that comes from masturbation. I'm a virgin! I don't even have any damn condoms!"
He did the stare at me. I had to sigh. Even though there isn't much reason for him to trust me I know me and I know I'm clear. So that left him pretty much right. I rubbed the jelly on and proceeded to go inside him without hurting him, because this has to hurt right? He started to swear and groan and was clenching his hands on me.
"Want me to stop?"

I didn't want to because I already knew I was going to have a good nut from this.

"No," he simply moaned.
I continued. I was getting really into it after a few thrusts. I didn't see the problem in this. It was just like regular, normal sex like I've had in the past with girls. Except for the anus is much tighter and I never used petroleum jelly as a lube for intercourse. I never had to but now I know it's really good and helps, though it did leave a hot sensation I wasn't too bothered.
I don't believe Jolen was either, he had his head thrown back and by reflex I tried to stiffle his moans which sounded much higher than his actual voice, to keep him quiet.
I must have hit a sweet spot because he was all, like, 'Right there.' I didn't move from there and I thrusted harder and his cries got louder.
It felt good and sounded good, this was turning out to be the best sex I've ever had which surprised me. The want to make him come was setting in so I put my best sex game into it. His breathing became shorter and shorter but heavier and heavier. His cries fainter.

He said my name.

He was about to come and so was I. His legs started to shake and I could feel some type of moisture coming from inside of him. I watched him proceed to jack off. After a minute or two I pulled out but he grabbed me and began to jack me off. I groaned and cried into his neck and on his shoulder, it felt wonderful.
We remained paralyzed after that and I fell asleep soon after.

Jolen's whispers woke me up.
"Hey, good morning."
His deep voice was back.
"Good morning?!"
I was seriously sleeping for that long?
"Yeah, it's only two."
I had sat up in bed but at that I laid back down. I gave my eyes time to adjust and I rubbed them.
Jolen was sitting on the bed looking down at me all in smiles. I yawned into my hands and sat back up. I rubbed at my face. I could tell he was watching me intently. When looked at him again I noticed that he had those piercing green eyes and they were staring at me in a state of longing and awe.
But he began to blush and wouldn't stop smiling.

Oh geez.

"I made you breakfast," he finally said.
"You did?"
And that's when I looked down.


A plate full of eggs, pancakes, bacon, and grits sat in my lap.
"What the fuck?"
I didn't even know he could cook.
I must have gave it to him good, real good, but then again he had nobody to compare me with.
I was his first and he just stared at me with that look.

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