Chapter 8

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I woke up that Saturday in my bed. I looked over at the clock.

Time to golf.

My dad was surprised when I was up and ready. Once we got there Jolen was already standing there. We smiled at each other.
"I'm gonna get you this time," Jerry tells my dad.
"We'll see. We'll see gentlemen."

A few times throughout the day Jolen and I snuck off behind the trees to make out. Then we'd show back up like things were fine. And again after golfing I went to work out and jog except Jolen came to watch me. He watched me run back and forth on my lawn in just gym shorts and sneackers.

He silently watched me.

I told him I was going to take a shower and he seemed hesitant about saying something but decided not to say it. He stayed in my room while I took my shower. When I was done and came out I seen him looking around my room.
"I found your childhood pictures. You were a handsome, little man," he said.
I came over to him and looked.
"Aiight, ya got me."
I tried to organize my clothes. Jolen sprawled out on my bed.
"Come to bed," he said in that same distinctive voice.
I turned to him and went over and sat on the edge.
"What do you want to talk about?" I asked.
Jolen thought for a second.
"What's your favorite color?"
I laughed, him questioning that in that booming voice of his sounded off and funny.
"If you really want to know it's brown. I think it's such a calm and laid back color."
"I can see that. Mine's green, it usually changes every month, though. Last month it was purple."
I couldn't help but to laugh, it was all so random and unexpected. Jolen payed me no mind.
"Do you work?"
"Yes, I work at the library downtown."
"Word? I was there a few times recently."
"Well I didn't see you either. If I did I most likely would have said something."
His voice changed. I looked at him.
"I really like you. Like, I'm attracted to you, I have feelings for you. This is not the first time I felt this way about another guy, actually I never felt this way about a girl. I don't know how you feel about it all, though."
I studied my comforter.
"I'm not gay," I started. "I never had any sexual attraction for another guy until you and I really do feel that attraction, Jolen, I really do like you, but it's all confusing. I don't know where to go to from here."
He didn't say anything for a minute.
"So basically I'm gay and you're just in a phase."
He sat all the way up. I guess it was like that but he made it seem like that was a horrible thing.
"Well I guess, but it's not that bad."
"Of course it's that bad, Murphy. Any day now you could find some girl that you're really attracted to or want to date. Where would that leave me?"
"Or you might find a guy that you're more attracted to than me."
"So I propose this," he said abruptly after me. "Why don't we just be boyfriends?"
I never thought of it this serious before, it was in the back of my mind but now it's all reality. I sighed loudly.
"See! That right there makes me question you."
"Are we arguing right now?"
I was mainly asking myself. Jolen didn't reply.
"If you ask me, Murphy, I think our relationship is in your hands."
I stared at him and he looked right back at me. I didn't want to talk about this serious topic so I just decided to blow it over and kiss him. He didn't say anything more of it and we made out on my bed.
I do know that I want to continue this, moments like these with Jolen.

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