Chapter 18

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Through the rest of Christmas break I didn't try to get in contact with Jolen.

Back at school, I tried to avoid him but that was impossible when you had 5 classes with him. What I did was sit in the front of the class, hiding my face or looking down and when the bell rung I jetted out. I didn't know how to end things with him but I also didn't know if I wanted to.

I agreed to go with my dad golfing that Saturday since the break been over. It was pretty nice out but a little windy. I wore a light jacket over a shirt with some shorts.
At the course, the father and sons were there. As well as Jolen, who looked pissed before I even showed up. I think it took him 25 minutes to realize I was there. By then the men and us sons were in the swing of things. My dad had hit a ball that made it in the hole. I smiled and gave him a pat on the back then proceeded to get the ball for him. Jolen followed after me.
"So how has your week been?" He asked me.
I don't think he truly cared.
"It's been nothing."
He cut his eyes at me.
"Okay, let's get to the chase."
He got my attention. I never knew him to be really aggressive.
"When do you plan on talking to me or acknowledging me?"
He was genuinely serious. I just shrugged.
"Murphy, don't drag me along. Just give me an answer."
"I don't know what I want to do, okay, Jolen."
I reached into the hole to get the ball. Jolen squatted besides me.
"I still want to be with you," he whispered and I looked at him, getting caught in his trance.
I didn't respond.

The library that I worked at, yeah, I still worked there, now started opening on Sundays. So I started working on Sunday mornings. It's been awhile since I seen and spoke to Torrie. She was at the library today. I got out of work at 1:00 and decided to catch up with her.
We went downtown and ate a little at some small café.
"How was your break?" I asked.
"All cheery and holiday-y." She smiled.
"I didn't know that was a word."
It was a cute little get together. We talked for 30 minutes, she did most of the talking. Then I went home to sleep.

They thought a bad storm was coming so they cancelled school. It did look really gray out, so I stayed inside and slept. I had a dream that it was night time, but I was in the city. Something told me it was New York City, though I've never been there.
A loud noise woke me up. I was curious about the dream, to see what was going to happen but I was awake now. I cursed to myself as I got up and looked out my window. The noise sounded like something had hit it.
I looked down to the front of the lawn and seen Jolen, with a golf club, smashing my mailbox.

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