Chapter 9

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By the time the beginning of November came I still didn't make it official with Jolen. We just see each other more, make out, hang out. Marquis and Trent even leave us alone. Things still weren't serious between us. Whenever he would bring it up I would direct his attention or bring up something else, like being too busy with applying to colleges, which I have been doing.

Jolen was never persistent.

I was still up to date with Torrie. Whatever little thing she had for me kind of disappeared. I'm older and not all that interested and she's speaking of a boyfriend. We're cool friends who talk mostly about the teen book club.

"Can I meet your parents?" Jolen asked.
It was cooler out but still comfortable weather. We were walking to his house.
"But you know my dad."
"Yeah, but does he know me?"
Here we go.
"Let's just go and get our homework done."
"I'm getting real tired of you doing that to me, Murphy."
"Doing what?"
"Disregarding me."
Jolen didn't know how to express his anger so he always just stopped talking and now he is walking feet ahead of me. I really didn't know what to feel when he got like this. I wished he was on the same boat as me and would just let things be.

We finally made it to his house which was in a hidden cul de sac. It was just him and his dad. He still acknowledged that I was coming in but he didn't say anything to me.
"Dad!" He called.
We heard some noise.
"Yeah," he said as he came into the foyer.
"Dad this is Murphy, from golfing, Ray's son."
"Oh yeah."
Rick smiled. I was about to shake his hand.
"He's my boyfriend," Jolen finished. Rick and I stopped, hands in mind air. My head had spun in Jolen's direction.

I was so pissed!

I could have punched him in his face. He looked so nonchalant about it all. Rick cleared his throat.
"Your what?"
"Friend!" I beat Jolen.
He looked at me all angry and hurt then stormed off into the house somewhere.
"I'm sorry about that Mr. Snow, I'll go talk to him."
His dad just nodded.
I found Jolen in his backyard by the pool.
"What the fuck, Jolen!" I nearly screamed.
"I don't have time to play your games, Murphy! It's clear that you don't give a damn, so I don't either."
This is was all too much, why did he have to make things complicated? I rubbed my face.
"You don't know what you're talking about."
Was all I could find to say.
"I don't? Well then please explain to me what the fuck we are doing? Why shouldn't I leave you?"
I stared at him for real.
"Leave me?"
"Yeah." He nodded.
"You plan on leaving me?" He stared at me for a minute.
"Well I can't really call it breaking up. Do you want me to demonstrate?"
His eyes were really dark.
"Can you just leave me alone?"
He turned his back to me and took a few steps away from me.
I was unsure about what to do. This whole argument and situation was ridiculous. I don't even know if I should take it serious. I mean, do I really care if Jolen left me? He was gay and as far as I know I was straight. So I just walked away like he wanted.

When I got home I regretted walking away.

I didn't understand it. I laid in bed and all I thought about was Jolen. I even dreamt about him.

Something was telling me I did something wrong. I missed him and a day didn't even pass yet. I got up early the next morning to go over to his house. I ranged the bell multiple times, hoping his dad wouldn't answer. There wasn't a car in the driveway but the door finally opened. It was Jolen and he stared at me with his alert, green eyes. I never seen them turn that color before, it threw me off for a second.
"I'm sorry," I started. "I'm new to this, Jolen, I'm just not comfortable with moving above what we have. I wish you would just take things slow with me. Please."
The "please" part came out of nowhere. He looked down then back at me. I hugged him, hoping he'd hug me back and he did.

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