Chapter 20

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I awoke and they told me that I had suffered a concussion and that I had a really, badly, broken nose.
One that may make me want to get cosmetic surgery later in life. The club caught most of my nose so there was no real damage to my head, just a minor concussion but I had a black eye and my lips felt swollen.
And everyone was in the room; my parents, Jolen and his dad and two police officers.
Jolen was looking down ahead with a forlorn look.
"I'll pay for the car and damages and the medical bill if it means anything," Rick was saying, but my dad didn't want to let Jolen off easy.
"Dad," I said and got everyone's attention. "It's okay."
My dad simmered down a little and agreed with Rick.
I looked at Jolen and wanted him to look back at me. Oddly, I wanted to hold and kiss him. But he followed his dad out of the room.

After that incident, I just wanted to clear things up with Jolen. I hadn't seen him on the bus or in school once I got back from staying home to heal my nose some. I got three excused days but my mom kept me home for five. When I came back the following week things seemed quiet. Trent and Marquis didn't even hear from Jolen.
One day I went over to his house but the shit had a For Sale sign up front.

Did he really just up and move away?

Was he really that angry, upset, or mad that he couldn't say goodbye? I guess he really couldn't being that I was at home and my dad wanted him nowhere near his property. But he couldn't text me somethimg? That night I laid in bed and wondered if I was ever going to see him again.
I missed him.
I loved him.

The next day I went back to work. My coworkers were sympthizing over my nose but I didn't pay it too much mind. I was busy putting away the fiction books upstairs when I noticed a figure coming my way. He was in a black peacoat. I stood up.
It was Jolen, which startled me.
My heart quickened because I never seen him in the library and I wasn't expecting him, obviously. He gave me a tiny smile, that looked slightly apologetic. He stopped in front of me.
"Hey," that voice said.
I looked away for a second.
"I moved," he simply stated, "out to Jordansberg last week."
"I figured something. You weren't around."
He nodded as I spoke and wouldn't take his eyes off me.
"Yeah, sorry about the unexpectancy of that."
I stared at him. He seemed different, more cool and city-boy like, I guess. He was silent for a few seconds.
"I just decided to give you space for some time. I didn't know you were here but the ladies at the desk said you were. So I knew it was a good day to come." He smiled and that dimple poked in and... he was gorgeous. I couldn't help but smile back.
"I guess I came to say goodbye, officially."
He was looking down when he said this but when he finished he looked up at me for a second and then back down his eyes went.
"Living in Jordansberg. How's that like?"
He looked back at me.
"Different. More interesting. I like it."
I nodded.
"Yeah, I don't plan on staying here longer. With graduation coming up soon."
He nodded again while I spoke, which I noticed was a new thing of his. It was quiet between us.
"Well, I'm just going to bluntly put it out there," he started. "I don't know when I'm ever going to see you again but I hope you do well in life and all that jazz."
I laughed out loud, he smiled.
"And I hope to see you again..." He shrugged off.
I nodded.
I couldn't help myself, I fell into him. I hugged him unexpectedly but he wrapped his arms around me. I wondered if he had a new boyfriend. I didn't want to let him go but we were hugging pretty long. I let go, his eyes had changed to brown and were staring at me so puppy-like. I looked away and back at my task. I could tell that he was nodding and with that he was gone. Two minutes later and I was feeling like shit. There was more I could have told him and asked. Did he change his number? Will he be able to contact me? Was it still worth it to clear up the whole Torrie situation? Did he still think that I had cheated on him with Torrie?
There was no point.
I don't know if I'll ever see him again.

You really just don't want people to come and go in your life. For them to leave a mark and just disappear.

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