Chapter 4

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Back at work at 3:00.

Tonight was the teen book club meeting. They met once on a Wednesday each month. They didn't come around until 4:00. Around 3:50 I was trying to shift the books on the shelves all the way on the fourth floor. It was dead silent up here. People mainly came here to study. I was coming down the ladder from working on a top shelf when some white guy said, "Cool hair" to me.
"Thanks," I replied.
I made my way back to the second, main, floor.
I turned around and saw my co-worker Macy coming towards me. She took her job here seriously and half the co-workers didn't like her.

They thought she would fit better at working as a correctional officer.

"Yeah?" I answered.
"They need help setting up the refreshments in the meeting room where the club is."
I nodded. Macy didn't so much as get on my nerves but I saw her be a bitch to other female co-workers. I went to the room and some teenagers were already in there. I helped pour soda and put cookies and brownies on one of the tables. The teens ranged mostly to high school age but some of these kids probably went to the other high schools in Section 3. They ate and drank and talked about what the new book for October would be. There were more teens that arrived than last time (I was given a report from last month on the numbers when I first started here). There were even a few black girls and guys. By 4:30 they were all here. Twenty of them. They had a good show out this time. I was about to go back to my other duties when I noticed this pretty girl staring at me. She was white but could have been Italian. She had dark brown hair with a widow's peak. She had big, pretty, brown eyes and nice, porcelain skin. I admit that I looked at her for a second but I kept it moving.

She looked really young.

I was working behind the desk when I noticed around 5:30 all the teen readers walk out. I seen the girl again and she smiled and waved at me with books in her other arm. I waved back. When she got to the door she looked back at me again.

When I got home my brothers were making a mess at the dining hall table.
"What the hell is all this?" I asked.
"A project," they said at the same time. They were identical twins, thirteen and in the 8th grade. Malcom and Naronn.
"Well make sure ya clean that up when you're finished."
"Yeah," Naronn said.
"Mom and dad went out. They won't be back until 11 or so,"  Malcom added.
"Okay," I said.
I went to my room which is, like, 5 times bigger than my old room and laid on my bed listening to my ipod.

In my dream I remembered walking into a kitchen but I was following behind someone. That person turned to me and it was the girl from the library. She was telling me something as she led me to a door and down the stairs where it was dark. When we got down there to some sort of bedroom/basement I noticed it was night time out a window and the girl wasn't with me anymore. Instead it was just me and JoJo.
I woke up pulling my headphones off in the process. My clock beside my bed read 12:45am. I was hot and sweating so I took my clothes off and went to get in the shower. I had a small bathroom of my own.

That's one thing I was excited about living in this new house.

I took a nice warm shower then rinsed off with cold water. My dream came back to me. It didn't make much sense. I exhaled and got out to dry off. As I was about to turn off the water I thought twice and decided to get back in, turning the water back to warm. I wanted to relieve myself, I was in the mood, oddly, even though I just had the weirdest, creepiest dream.
Still I decided to rub one out.

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