Chapter 15

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We went to eat at Don's Bakery.

Everyone in Section 1 knew about this spot and came through. Outside the bakery was a fight. Two chicks were fighting, rather, one girl was on top of another banging her head repeatedly onto the concrete ground. Some females were trying to break it up but one nigga was saying that they needed to squash their beef.
It was a pretty gruesome sight and Jolen stared. I guided him inside the bakery and to a table away from the window.
"Section 3 don't compare, huh?" Rakim asked.
"Not at all."
Rakim nodded.
"I'll go up, what do ya want?"
Rakim's eyes flicked over at Jolen for a second. I looked at Jolen.
"We'll both get a chocolate milkshake."
"Easy, be right back."

I guess he was paying.

"How you feel?" I asked Jolen, he shrugged.
"I don't know, it's different though."
"Now that I'm here I'm almost glad my fam moved me away. Ain't nothing here for me anymore."
I looked at Jolen and he was looking back at me. Our faces were so close and I wanted to kiss him pretty badly, but I figured it wouldn't be a good idea. We must have been staring at each other forever because Rakim had to snap us back into reality.
"Yo, what's good? You guys mind reading?"
I laughed.
"We just good like that, " I said and grabbed my milkshake.

I think Rakim started to get suspicious after that. Afterwards Rakim wanted to know if we wanted to go out later tonight. I declined but that didn't stop Rakim, he decided to have a house party. The baby was put to bed while all kinds of dirty hoes and niggas came over with liquor and weed. Music was played on the low. All kinds of females came for Jolen. They were too much for him.
"Look ladies, he's not interested," I tried being polite.
"Nobody was talking to you, nigga!" One said.
"Yeah, so mind your business. You wish you could get this attention."
"I saw your old girl, even she left your ass."
I really was pissed and annoyed. I didn't want to answer none of these hoodrats.
"Seriously, I'm not interested," Jolen said.
That shocked most of the girls and they kept it moving. Some Jolen had to steer away.
"Nigga you gay then!"
"And proud of it," Jolen whispered.
I laughed, he smiled.

Later on, I went to the bathroom which meant leaving Jolen alone. I told him if anything felt wrong or someone felt strange to just come to, say you have to go to, the bathroom. I took a quick piss and then washed my hands. I couldn't have been away for more than 3 minutes. I went back out and everyone seemed more relaxed and Jolen was not by the window.

Where did he go?

I looked around the apartment which was very small but didn't find him. As a matter of fact a few guys were missing. I was kind of starting to panic. Rakim wasn't here either. I looked for Tessia.
"Where's Jolen? Where's Rakim?"
She was smoking.
"We hungry, they went to get some wings."
"Did they walk?"
"Nope. Shane took 'em. Him, Rakim, Boogie, your little friend. Yeah, we hungry."
All I could think was, why did he agree to go with them? And why didn't he text me. I checked my phone and wah-la! There was a text. Why hadn't I felt my phone vibrate? I did have my jeans around my ankles when I took a piss, I don't know why I pulled them down that low.
Jolen was saying in the text how Rakim kind of pressured him to go out with the guys and get wings. I texted him back a gazillion questions: Where are you? Are you okay? Are you coming back now? Why didn't you just come to the bathroom?
I was nearly pacing the apartment, waiting for a text back.

Jolen: It's ok Murphy, we got the wings and should b back soon.

I was still worried.
They came back five minutes later. I almost dragged Jolen down the hallway to talk.
"Are you okay?" I asked and he smiled.
"I'm fine, thanks for worrying. I knew what Rakim was up to. They asked me a lot of questions in the car, but I don't know why they were so interested."
I wondered what Rakim had up his sleeve when Jolen got closer to me and kissed me.
I pulled away and looked down the hall. "I don't care."
"You should, it's not the place or the time, Jolen."
He pulled away and just nodded.

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