Chapter 19

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"What in the fuck?"
I raced from my room. I threw open the front door.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted.
He turned to me. I saw the fury in his eyes.

What did I do?

"Fuck you, Murphy! You know I never wanted to hurt you-"
"What is going on? What are you talking about?" I cut him off.
I was at a lost for words. It looked like it would pour rain at any second. It was cold out and I was out there in a wife beater and old gym shorts with socks on. He was just in a t-shirt and jeans with shoes, of course. But what was he raving about? Did he lose his mind?
"Don't play me, Murphy!" He screamed. "I saw you with that little bitch! I told you I still wanted to be with your ass! If you didn't feel the same then why didn't you fucking say anything?!"
Was he talking about Torrie?
"What the fuck Jolen, you're acting really crazy."
I happened to have seen the next door neighbors blinds part.
"Just put the club down and let's talk."
"I don't want to talk to you anymore. You fucked up, Murphy! I'm not stupid! I truly cared about you and you're trying to play me!
"Ain't nobody playing you, Jolen. Stop acting stupid!" I shouted back.
"Stupid? Okay, guess I'll show you stupid," he said and then walked away... to my dad's Cadillac.
"No no no no no, what are you do-"
The club connected with the windshield. At the speed of lightening, I swear, he began to smash my dad's car with that golf club.
"Stop! Are you crazy?!"
I ran up on him and tried to get his arm to stop swinging.
"Get off me!" He yelled and swung again.
My head whipped around, my whole head going numb for a second. And then all the pain shot up. I winced uncontrollably. I started to panic when I bent forward and noticed blood dripping from my face.

What did he do?

I really started panicking when I realized that I couldn't breath through my nose and had to use my mouth. The pain was excrutiating and I was disoriented. I couldn't hear clearly, it kind of felt like I was under water. My legs were moving but I didn't know where I was going. I had my hand on my face where all the blood laid. Suddenly I heard something. It was Jolen.
"Murphy, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. Stop moving."
I started to come to and sat my ass on the curb near the mailbox. Jolen kept apologizing next to me but I didn't care.
How the fuck did I look and when will the blood stop? That's all I cared about. I touched my nose and winced. That shit didn't feel right. I think it was broken.


Jolen was sobbing uncontrollably.
"What the hell is all that noise?"
I tried to turn around to see who was speaking but I had the strongest headache in the world. By the time I managed to turn around my dad's face was in pure shock while he slowly moved towards his car. Jolen was standing and watching, looking geniunely sad. I tried standing up, something told me I was going to have to fight through the pain so that I could be aware as to what was going on. "Murphy! Who did this?" My dad growled.
Jolen stepped forward.
"Sir, I'm so sorry. It was an honest mistake," Jolen said.
My dad looked at Jolen with fire in his eyes.
"You? You did this? You little piece of shit! What gives you the right to do this to my car on my property?"
My dad was coming for Jolen with the look to do harm to him. And my first reaction was to get in between, so I blocked my dad and protected Jolen.
"Dad, wait..."
"What is going on?"
We all looked over to my mom who looked horrified.
"Tracy, call the police! I'm pressing charges on this kid."
"Dad, look, okay, he didn't mean it."
"Oh my God, Murphy! What happened to your face?" My mom screamed.

Damn, was it that bad?

"You did that to my boy?" My dad shouted at Jolen.
"He didn't mean it dad, we had a fight." I guess I kind of still cared for Jolen. I was letting him off the hook and keeping him from getting into trouble. "Dad forget the car. I need to see a doctor."
I tried to draw his attention away.
"Yes. Let's get Murphy to the hospital," my mom said.
I was getting kind of dizzy at that point and I think I kept blacking out.
I do remember riding in my mom's Lexus. I didn't know where Jolen went but I remember getting to the hospital and then that's it.

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