Have you ever protected someone?

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Bakugou strolled around the halls, school had already gotten out but his friends had gotten detention again. He normally waited for them anyways. A loud bang came from just around the corner, along with a few shouts. Should he really go over there?

Scoffing, Bakugou wandered over to the corridor. He saw a recognizable set of two different colored hair. Laying on the ground. Eyes closed. There was something wrong, no doubt about it. Bakugou saw some jerky third years, bullies.

"Oi!" Bakugou shouted, standing as tall and strong as possible. These were third years he was messing with, not first year scum. The two turned to him.

"What's this? Another measly second year? Don't tell me this is class One A?" One of them asked, smirking. They both turned their attention away from Todoroki, walking towards him.

"Don't think you can hurt me too! I'm stronger then you'll ever be!" Bakugou blurted out. The two sped up their walking pace.

Without a word they kicked him down. Their quirks popping out, this didn't look good. "Hey, gonna give up already kid?" The second one asked, smirking wider. The first one's nails sharpened to knife point, the other one's palms started dispensing warm liquid metal.

Bakugou shoved a palm closer to their faces. Nothing. His quirk just stopped working, for no reason. Why wouldn't it work? Using his other palm he did the same, an explosion popping out right in their faces.

"The hell?" One of them muttered, stepping back with a wobble. Bakugou stood up and blasted them again, bigger.

"C'mon, this kid is powerful." The second one cowered, running off. The first one followed. Bakugou let out a satisfied sigh.

Bakugou warily crept over to Todoroki's body. He looked to be okay, just passed out. Gently, Bakugou sat him up in his arms. "Todoroki? Todoroki?" Bakugou worriedly asked, shaking him a bit.

With a sleepy face, Todoroki opened an eye. He didn't even speak as he turned over and held onto Bakugou, wrapping his arms around the other's neck. Like a hug. Bakugou couldn't even speak as he sat there, in Todoroki's embrace.

"H-Hey..You look kind of bad. Do you want to go to uh..Recovery Girl?" Bakugou fumbled over his words, like a flustered idiot. He's talked to so many people! Why was talking to him so hard?

Todoroki nodded into his shoulder.

Bakugou stood up and started helping Todoroki walk to the infirmary. It was a slow and quiet walk, the only thing being heard on the tile floors were the clickty clack of their feet. Bakugou normally didn't help people, he found it a waste of time. But helping Todoroki seemed mandatory for some reason.

He really was going crazy.

"He'll be just fine, don't you worry." Recovery Girl reassured him, glancing over at Todoroki on one of the beds. Bakugou nodded. "Your friends should be out of detention by now, go have fun." She added, looking at the clock.

"Right, thanks." Bakugou thanked her politely and ran off to find his squad.

He worried about the wrong people too much.

(SORRY FOR ONLY 499 WORDS! I'm getting out of school for summer tomorrow so chapters will be longer if im not out swimming! Thanks for reading!)

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