Have you ever had trust issues?

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(just to warn you the chapter after this one is supposed to be heckn' sweet)

Bakugou watched Todoroki get ready. Zipping up his jacket and tying his shoes. This reminded him of something, reminded him of how Uraraka would get dressed up to leave. It's not like Todoroki would leave too, right?

"Hey..where are you going?" Bakugou asked in a slight panic. He didn't wanna lose him too, he couldn't. "Oh? Just out, don't worry." Todoroki answered, opening his door. Like that, he left.

Sighing, Bakugou laid on the now very familiar bed. Todoroki had to go to school tomorrow, he did too. Perfect. Changing his mind, he got up. Walking out the door Bakugou went to the common room.

There he found his friends, Jirou was there too. All of them looked at him with an ugly glare, like they'd seen a ghost. "Bro you look horrible! Have you been crying?" Kaminari shrieked. Bakugou shook his head, going into the kitchen.

Plugging up the coffee machine, he heard the door open. Turning around he also saw Momo leaving. Weird, she left just a couple minutes after Todoroki. Whatever it's not like it mattered. But Momo was really pretty, smart, strong willed..

Was Todoroki going out with her?

No, no! That's just assuming, he wouldn't not after last week at least. Would he? Todoroki didn't seem like the type. If Bakugou were 'Almost Dating' himself, he'd cheat too in all honesty. He wasn't that extraordinary.

The coffee could wait, right now he needed to see where Todoroki was. Going up the elevator he pressed the fourth floor button, his phone was up there. Running past Kirishima's door he opened his own.

Okay, don't sound all bitchy, that would be bad. Picking up the phone he unlocked it, nervously tapping the call app he scrolled down to find Todoroki's number. With a final click, it started to buzz. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hey. What's up?" Todoroki asked, painfully calm. Seeing by his tone of voice he certainly wasn't trying to cover anything up.

"Uh..Where are you?" Bakugou anxiously asked, hoping for a good response. If Todoroki got defensive then something had to be up.

"Nowhere special, I'm actually kinda busy so could you call later? Love ya." Todoroki explained, hanging up right after.

Uraraka used to always say she was busy, especially when she was out and Bakugou called her. Running a sweaty hand through his spiky blond hair, he sighed. This was it, wasn't it? Another failed relationship, it was going so well too. Holding back another encore of tears, he went into his bathroom.

His friends did say he looked horrible, from what he saw in the mirror, he did. Eyes puffy with eye whites red-ish. His shirt was wrinkled and had a little wet spot from where Todoroki cried on his shoulder. He needed a bath, or some kind of treatment. He was still kind of shocked that Todoroki gave him a bath.

Turning on the tub's water he grabbed a half empty bottle of soap. Flipping the lid he poured some of it in, mixing with the water it started to make bubbles. Bubble baths were his favorite, made you feel like you were on a cloud. In his opinion, they were just as manly as showers. God he sounded like Kirishima.

Stripping out of his clothes he realized that these truly weren't his clothes. He didn't notice how big they were, Todoroki really did dress him up too. Wait, does that mean he was wearing Todoroki's underwear too?

He was.

Now embarrassed as hell, Bakugou put the clothes in the little hamper by the door. One foot after the other he stepped into the luxurious tub. Boiling hot water, just how he liked it. Turning off the faucet he relaxed, feeling the water seep into his skin.

Bakugou completely forgot about Todoroki in that moment, just enjoying the warmth of his bath. He could deal with reality later.

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