Have you ever been proved wrong?

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(that pic will be important later xd)

Bakugou laid on the common room floor, it was cooler than the couch. It had gotten extremely hot since yesterday. Nobody asked any questions about his injuries to his relief, he did get three apology letters from the girls which was nice. The door opened and closed, Todoroki came back with Momo. They were gone for a whole day.

"I hope I helped! Bye Todo." Momo cheered, putting her shoes by the door, she ran off to the elevator in the same minute. Todoroki sighed, taking his shoes off as well. He hadn't seen Bakugou yet.

Two bags were slung over his arm, the logo on one of them was to a bookstore. It was just a circle with the name and books all over the rest of the bag. The second bag was black, it had roses on it. Bakugou couldn't see the name or get an idea of what the store was about.

"I hope he likes it.." Todoroki muttered to himself, walking into the kitchen and setting the bags on the counter. Bakugou saw him glance over in his direction, smiling a bit. Did he know he was watching?

Bakugou sat up walking over to the elevator, completely ignoring Todoroki. He should go talk to his friends first, jumping to conclusions was useless if he didn't have outside input. Pressing the fifth floor button he ascended, they normally hung out in Sero's dorm on this day.

"I don't get what you mean, Baku." Ashido sighed, trying to understand her BFF's useless babbling.

"He left, not telling me where he was going! Then I called him and he said he was busy, but then..He came back with Momo pretty much on his arm and holding some bags. Momo left right after him not to mention..and.." Bakugou rambled.

"Aww! You just misunderstood, sweetie." Ashido gushed, her eyes closing because of her big smile. She looked too happy. "He probably got you a surprise, don't worry about it babe." Ashido explained, using another nickname.

"But that doesn't explain Momo!" He argued. Why would she leave too if it was a present for him? It didn't make sense.

"Todoroki probably didn't know what kind of gift to get you, so he invited her to help him. You're such a worry wart." Ashido assumed. "You're gonna get so many butterflies when he shows it to you! I just bet." She yelped, ever so happy.

That made sense, lots of it. Todoroki did promise to make it up to him, to make Uraraka up to him. He promised to give Bakugou the relationship he deserved. Getting up from Ashido's bed, Bakugou said goodbye to his friends and ran off. He had to find Todoroki know.

To his surprised, he still sat there in the kitchen. Now with a smile, Bakugou tapped his shoulder. Todoroki jumped up, turning around to face him. "Hey. I got you something." Todoroki mumbled, pushing the black bag towards him.

Excitedly Bakugou pulled the bag open. A box? Gently he pulled the top open, a pair of bracelets. It looked like they were homemade too. It's not every day you see people who hand make jewelry like this. (just the bracelets in the first picture <3).

Todoroki took one of the bracelets in his hand. Taking Bakugou's wrist he held the bracelet in front of it. "Dearest, Bakugou Katsuki, will you be my actual boyfriend?" Todoroki proposed, giving Bakugou a big cheesy smile.

"Yes! A million times yes!" Bakugou exclaimed, grinning like an idiot. Todoroki slid the bracelet on his wrist, it fit perfectly. Bakugou picked the other one up, putting it on Todoroki's wrist.

"How do they fit so well?" Bakugou asked, surprised. Todoroki's looked like it was measured. How'd they get his measurements if he wasn't there?

"Oh, well Momo's wrist is about the size of yours. I've seen you stand next to each other, your wrists are pretty tiny. So I brought her along." Todoroki answered, confused to his question. Bakugou just mumbled an 'Oh, ok.' still smiling.

Maybe Todoroki wasn't gonna end up like Uraraka.

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