Have you ever gotten into a fight?

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(SKSKSKSKS. Y'know i love girl power, but why not make em' too powerful?) (vulnerable baku has a REALLY BIG soft spot in my heart)

Bakugou was currently in a pretty sticky situation, you see he had been ganged up on by a couple of girls in Class 1-A. Hitting a girl wasn't exactly what he liked to do, unless he really had to. Another punch to the face shocked him. That was certainly going to be a black eye.

Snorting, he wiped the blood off his nose. His heart was beating out of his chest at this point. This was ridiculous! Bakugou wasn't gonna be beat up by a bunch of girls! Finally putting his fist up, he punched one of them, couldn't see which.

"Uraraka!" A girl, Hakagure he thought, yelled. With the power of echo location, Bakugou assumed the other one turned around to see if she was alright as well. Swiftly Bakugou tried to run away.

One of their bloody fucking hands snatched him by the shirt. Pulling him down straight onto the hard, cold pavement. Ouch. Pursing his lips together Bakugou sat up, there was definitely something bleeding back there.

You may be wondering, how did Bakugou even get into this fight? Well it was very simple, Uraraka just felt like being a bitch, she needed some attention he guessed. Back to now, Bakugou was being stomped on by their school shoes, not fun.

Using his free hands, he swiftly set them on a random pair of feet, setting off an explosion. He kept doing the same until he got them all off. Now he made his escape, getting onto his feet fast he started running like hell. He could beat Iida in a race.

"..Phew." Bakugou panted, hiding behind a tree. He should probably look over his injuries, huh?

First off, bloody nose. Possibly broken but lets not hope for the worst here. Second, bruises everywhere. Due to the stomping there might be some on his torso, his face was the worst. Third, black eye. The left eye was fine the right took some damage. Fourth, general pain. Everything just hurt.

With the last of his strength Bakugou hurled his meat vessel called a body to the dorms, Recovery Girl's office was way too far away. He'd have to settle for the medical supplies that they had. Despite feeling like a corpse he still wondered what Todoroki was up to.

Opening the door he stepped inside, luckily nobody was in the common room. Or so he thought, there laid Todoroki, reading a thick novel. Over thirty chapters probably. Hearing the door slam he immediately looked up from the book, seeing Bakugou in all his beaten glory.

"What happened to you?" He calmly asked, his eyes looked deeply concerned but he kept his cool anyways. That's what Bakugou admired about him, how he could stay so patient in situations like this.

Carefully he picked Bakugou up bridal style. Treating him like a glass item he sat him down on the couch. "Oh your eye looks..bad." Todoroki held himself back, the truth was far worse then what he said. Todoroki ran away to the medical cabinet.

Bakugou was struggling to stay awake. After all the adrenaline started to fade away, all the pain started to hit him like a bus. It hurt before but not this much. Passing out was his best option at this point. Letting his eyes shut, Bakugou fell asleep.

~~The next morning~~

A loud screech came from a bird just outside the window, light came pouring in just at the same time. Bakugou opened his eyes, his right eye felt better now too. He didn't feel all grimy either. Did that mean that someone bathed him? That also means that someone took his clothes off, unwillingly. Fuck the fact he wasn't in his room, or his own clothes.


Taking a deep scared breath, Bakugou let his feet touch the floor. Off to a good start, prying himself up he felt everything give up. His knees bent, making him fall onto the hardwood floor. He laid there face down for a moment.

"Are you okay? You shouldn't be getting up yet!" Todoroki panicked, peeling him up from the floor. "Do you need anything?" Todoroki asked, holding Bakugou in his lap.

Bakugou blinked, adjusting to the brighter light, "Did you uhm..y'know.." Bakugou dodged his own question. "Did you take my clothes off and shower me?" He yelped, an embarrassed blush spreading across his bruised face.

"Oh, yes I did. I didn't do anything creepy so don't worry. You looked like you needed a shower. Also don't worry about school today." Todoroki reassured. Picking him up and sitting him back in bed.

"You're not gonna ask what happened?" Bakugou whispered, peering up at Todoroki from his bed, he only now realized the fancy room design.

"No, you look like you'd rather not talk about it." Todoroki plainly said, shrugging his shoulders. That made Bakugou really happy for some reason.

He felt really happy.

~like i dunno couple hours later xd~

Bakugou sat facing Todoroki on his bed, tears prickling his ruby eyes. A soft yet damp cotton ball rubbing against his smaller wounds from the day before. It stung a lot, the medicine. Todoroki put the dirty cotton ball in a bag, picking bandages up from the same one. Todoroki had already put an eye patch on Bakugou's black eye. Tears silently streamed down his face while his scars were wrapped up.

"Come here.." Todoroki mumbled, opening his arms up. Bakugou fell into them, letting the comfort drown out all the pain. "Shh, I know it hurt." Todoroki soothed.

Bakugou hated this, he felt so weak, like an idiot. A helpless little girl who got kicked a few times and couldn't get up. Was this what being in a relationship like? Taking care of one another, being vulnerable when you need be? Bakugou always took care of himself though, he didn't need anyone.

Maybe he did? Just a helping hand to make him feel better in his dark times. Yeah, that would be nice, really nice. The idea of feeling safe in someone's arms, so so nice.

(1,010 words! <3)

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