Chapter 1

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Authers Note:

Hey people!!! This is the first book i started when i was in 6th grade!! It might be a little cheezy.... but hope u like it!! It's pretty long :D



“Mom!” yelled my brother. “I can’t find my black sweater for school!”

            “Honey, just look in the washer, I am busy making you and your sister’s lunch.”            

My brother grunted and headed for the laundry room stomping his feet. Now for me, I was getting my backpack ready.

            “Heather,” my mom said. I looked up. “I would like you to go to Mimi’s house today after school. I have a meeting so I won’t be home until,” she checked her watch. “ ‘Bout 6:30pm. O.K?”

            “Sure mom. What ever you say.” I said. I want to know what mom does at the meetings. Maybe it’s something to do with us kids. I watched mom turn off the lights. She came over and kissed me good-bye then turned to leave. But halfway in her turn, she whispered, “Oh and take Jennifer to Mimi’s house also, all right?” I nodded. Then my mom left. I lifted my backpack onto my shoulder.

            “Jennifer! Come on, let’s go! We’re going to be late!” I yelled. I checked my watch, 6:30 am. THUMP, THUMP, THUMP.  There she goes again. Jennifer always stomps down the stairs no matter how many times we tell her not to even though she is eleven years old.

            “Fine, but next time don’t yell at me, geez fatty.”

            “Don’t call me that. I am a year older that you punk.” I said back, being thirteen isn’t easy. She rolled her eyes and went to get her backpack.

I turned and saw Max. I had no idea that Max was waiting for us. He almost fell asleep at the doorway. He is so lame sometimes but today he actually was being kind. For some reason right then and there I thought Max looked like dad. Dad has dark brown curly hair, freckles and dark brown eyes. Max was like dad junior. I chuckled at the thought.  Everyone says that I look like mom and dad. I have curly hair, and dark brown eyes like dad but have black-brown hair like my mom. My sister on the other hand is 100% mom. She loves shopping and jewelry. Jennifer has straight black-brown hair and pure black eyes. Speaking of dad, he has been gone for a year on a business trip for his work and it has felt like centuries. I really miss him.

I know this is a stupid idea but Max has grown more mature, even though he is only fourteen years old. He is probably the most mature out of his friends, Matt, Riley, John, and Jackson. I snapped out of my thought.

“Are you two done talking, ‘cause if you talked any longer I would be gone by now. And we’d better go now or we’ll be late.” Max said. I check my watch, 6:39am.

“Sorry,” I apologized, “Come on Jennifer!” Jennifer came around the corner and looked at me in a way that you don’t want to argue with. I guess she was still mad at me for yelling at her and for calling her a punk. Sometimes she can be that way. I shrugged at the thought and walked out the door with Max and Jennifer following.

On the way to school I asked Max,  “Who’s house are you going home with after school?”

He answered, “I am going to Matt’s house. Why do you ask?”

I shrugged. It was freezing out, thirteen more days until spring. My thoughts drifted to mom. She told me the day before that she had meetings after school the whole entire week. I wonder if there was something wrong with her job or something. I pushed that thought aside because mom would tell us if there was something wrong. I shook my head and tried to forget the thought.

Jennifer shook my arm and pointed. I followed her finger and saw what she was pointing at. It was a rustling in the bushes in front of us. My whole body tensed. I gave Max a worried look. Then there was a growl and the rustling became louder. I took a step back. Jennifer squeezed my arm and hid behind me. Max looked and started moved closer to the bush. I reached out and grabbed Max’s arm. He looked back at me. I shook my head and gave him a don’t-do-it look. Thanks to my relief he pulled back. I swore I saw a black paw step out of the bushes.

“Hey Jennifer, Heather, and Max!”

 I jumped. I turned my head and let my body relax. It was only Mimi. “Hi Mimi.” I answered back. She caught up to us huffing and puffing. She bent over and to rest her hands on her knees gasping for breathe. Finally she stood up and smiled. I’m glad I have Mimi as a friend. We started walking to the school again with Mimi. I looked back were we heard the growl and saw the paw in the bushes. There was nothing.  Strange, I thought. Now it seemed as though nothing ever happened. I guess the animal or creature or whatever it was retreated when it heard Mimi’s voice.


 I had just finished math at 12:39pm and I was heading to the lunchroom. Mimi was already sitting there.

“Hi,” she greeted me as I sat down, “when I caught up to us guys before school today you all looked as if you were going to faint. Are you O.K?” She gave me a worried look.

“I’m fine, there’s just…” I paused.

“Just what?”

“Just nothing.” I pulled out my sandwich. Luckily Mimi changed the subject.

“Did you know that I got an iPod for my birthday?”

“No,” I answered with my mouthful. That was the good thing about Mimi. She never bragged about how rich she was, and never showed off her things. “Though I thought your birthday was last week?” I asked remembering the party. It was probably the best I have ever had in my life.

“Yep, it sure was but you know, my aunt lives in Europe so it took a while for the present to get here. Anyway, did you know that you are coming to my house after school for the entire week because you mom has meetings?”

“I know that but how did you know that?”

“Your mom called my mom yesterday, oh and is Jennifer coming too?”

“Yep,” I answered and took another bite of my sandwich. “What are we going to do at your house?”

“I don’t know, maybe go to the mall? Oh! We can go to an arcade place and we can play games! No, we can go to the afternoon festival. ”

“Sure, I don’t care,” I said but I whispered under my breath so Mimi couldn’t hear, “as long as we don’t go to the mall.”

For some reason the rest of the day went by faster that normal, in Humanities we played a really fun game which took up most of the time, then for gym we went outside to play baseball and I hit a homerun! Now I am in Science, which we have 5 minutes left ‘til the bell rings.

“For homework you read pages 67-71 then do the worksheet I am about to hand you.” As soon as my teacher handed me the sheet, I grabbed it and stuffed it in my folder. BRINGGGGGG! There goes the bell, I thought. Chairs went sliding across the floor. Kids were pouring out of their classes. I found my locker. 34-12-49, I thought the combo in my head as I did it. I grabbed all my homework and shoved it into my bag. I meet up with Mimi and Jennifer.

“Come on let’s go before the bus people come out,” said Jennifer. So we started heading out the door and sooner or later we were at Mimi’s house.

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