Chapter 19

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When I ran out I everything was going on at once: Jennifer made a huge wall around her and a couple of dogs and Max did his kicking moves and fireballs shot out of his feet. He was a bit sloppy because of his shoulder. Tyler was just standing there.

“Do something you, you idiot!” I yelled at her. As I ran up to her, still a bit wobbly from the toxic, I noticed her eyes were wide open. I just realized that when you can turn into a bird, you could open your eyes really big as a human.

“I don’t get it, the dogs look so familiar and yet they aren’t attacking me, just you guys,” she muttered. I pulled my arrow back and aimed for a Rottweiler heading toward me and let go of the string. To my surprise, I missed which was not likely. The dogs were huge, bigger than most, regular, Rottweiler’s. They were black and brown with thick muzzles. You could see the muscle line as they fought. Spit and slobber dripped as it opened its mouth for a bite.

One came right at me and I grabbed my bow but it was too late. I closed my eyes, feeling the energy from the vicious dog. I waited but nothing happened. Then I saw Max had put a small flame in between the dog and me. I sighed with relief. I took a step back then felt something on my back. Jennifer, Max and I we cornered back to back. Ale disappears once in a while so he can’t save us. And Tyler was just standing there. What the heck is she doing, I thought. Wouldn’t she be helpful right now? I felt a strong aura near here, then a saw a flash of light come from something as it reflected off the moonlight. Then I realized what it was.

“Everyone duck!” I cried but it was too late. Ropes came from all sides and wrapped around Max, Jennifer, and me. At first the ropes went in a circle above our heads then came down and were rapped tightly. The rope looked just as cheep as the rope you buy for random things so I tried breaking it. I first grabbed an arrow and sawed at it, nothing happened. Then I tried my water bending and still nothing. What is with this rope, it should break easily, I thought. Max was next to me, burning it. Being Max at fourteen years old, fire is something not to play with. Jennifer yelled at Max to stop because one it was too hot and two it was useless.

“I’m surprised someone like you would know anything,” a voice said. The voice was strong and confident though it was feminine. I saw a pair of feet step out of a shadow, then the leg, and then the whole body. She was wearing combat boots, jeans (the type that are easy to move in), a bright green sweatshirt, and her hair was tied up in a slick ponytail. I couldn’t really make out her hair color because it was so dark, but from what I have observed she has dirty blond hair. She was about my age. Although she was slim, she was built with muscle.

“Don’t talk to my stupid brother! Only I can insult him!” Jennifer yelled. The girl snickered. Her aura was stronger than most people. I looked around for Tyler but she wasn’t there. She probably got scared and ran off, I thought. Then I heard this growl. Something hit that ground and what felt like the Earth was shaking. I saw that behind the girl, stepped out a giant paw. Compared to the giant dog, the girl was about to its shoulder blade. The dog’s mouth could probably gulp down Jennifer, Max, the girl, and me. I realized maybe the giant dog was the mom of all the Rottweiler dogs.

“Now calm down Aka, they aren’t your dinner,” the girl said. “I’ll give you something later.” What happened next, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The giant dog shrunk down into a dog that was the size of a Chihuahua. The little dog, Aka, was sitting there with its tail wagging. I didn’t know if that was possible but then I reminded myself, I have a phoenix that changes color and into a human. My life is abnormal.

“Now, what to do with you.” The girl said.

“First tell us your name!” Jennifer said. She’s twelve and she doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shut.

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