Chapter 24

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"I'm tired of sleeping in tents and running away every single time! I'm tired of crying, nightmares, visions, magic, powers! I want to be normal. I'm twelve years old; I'm supposed to be at a desk, in a classroom, laughing with my friends! But no-I'm a twelve year old that has to run for her life every time something happens. I bet you that I've been closer to death than any twelve-year-old girl has ever-, " Jennifer paused and cried. I walked over to where she was sitting. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Jennifer," I whispered. "There's no such thing as normal for us." Jennifer sniffled. "And there will never be." She nodded. I felt sorry for her. I felt sorry for all of us. We had sort of a normal life until that one-day. Jennifer is still only twelve and here we are trying to kill people and traveling around, lost. I wanted to tell Jennifer how many times I wanted to be normal again but I didn't want her to know that I missed home too.

"'Kay guys. We are going to get through the Qubeseta Mountains as fast as we can so we can find that one lady and get help from her. We don't have a dead line I assume so I'm making one. We have to make it across the mountains in less than a month. Then we need to make our way to the city with the woman that will help us." Max explained. We all nodded our heads and after Max finished, we all got ready to leave. The thing I wasn't worried about was water but food. I could pull water out of the air and use that as drinking water but none of us knew how to create food out of air.

I swung my bow and arrows on my back. All I had packed was my school bag with supplies in it. Tyler, Becky, and Jennifer really didn't have much either. Max had nothing. Sighing, Ale flew onto my shoulder.

I really don't know how you guys are always so up beat and on the move. I wish I could just sit down in a big city and play my banjo. And yes, I have a banjo.

"Well, we may look up beat and always on the move but truly on the inside, we're dying." I grimly said. Ale didn't say anything to that. I was relieved he didn't continue talking because I felt as thought my head was going to explode. I grabbed my bag and flung it over my shoulder. I quickly tied my hair in a ponytail and walked out. Right as I got out, Jennifer crumbled the tents. I was about to argue with her about almost crushing me but I decided we already had enough on our minds.

"What about food?" Becky asked. Then, an imaged popped in my head of us sitting there, completely boney and about to die. I shuddered. Max must have noticed.

"I'm sure that something will work out." Max whispered. His voice was so creepy that it made me shudder even more.

"Yeah right." I whispered. I started to wonder if the mountains were cold because none of has warm clothing but then again, we have Max so-we'll be ok I guess.

"Okay then, let's get a move on!" Max ordered and started off into the woods.

"Um, Max? You're going the wrong way." I say. Max stopped and turned and headed the other way. I smacked my forehead and walked after him followed by Becky, Jennifer, Tyler, Ale, and Taco/Lizzie.

We were finally setting out and I loved the way Max was so anti-confident about this whole thing.

"Wait. Are we saving Mom first? Or does Zar come first?" Jennifer asked.

"Mom," I said.

"Zar," Max said at the exact same time. We gave each other a glare. Tyler put her hand on Max's shoulder.

"Max, let's just find your Mom first so then we'll have more people on our team." Tyler smiled. Ugh. Ick. I hated when my bro and Tyler got all lovey dovey. I know that wasn't much but it disturbs me in general. I mouthed to Becky 'über gross' and she laughed.

I had to admit. Traveling through the 2nd largest mountain range on Earth was not encouraging, especially when none of us were correctly equipped. I sighed heavily and gaze up at the sky. I wondered maybe this'll be over soon because--just because. What could I do? How could I help? Kung fu Panda says 'there are no accidents.' I highly doubt that. Listening the Jennifer and Max bicker was just as bad as scraping your forehead with a cheese grinder. Right. Is I wish I was back at home, asleep, normal, and loved.

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