Chapter 6

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Max went to the driver and said, “We aren’t sure of our destination. Can you tell us how much it is when we get off?”

“Sure. Y’all got ‘em seat in de back. I only take me bus down to de International State park. After dat, you take different bus.”

“Thank you.”

We took the back seat. The seats were made of leather and they were all torn up with candy wrappers all over the floor. And worst of all it smelled like horse dung. It made me wrinkle my nose. Then on the speakers came a voice.

            “Please remain seated until your stop comes. And also keep your seatbelt on at all times. Next stop, Featherland City. Thank you.” Then it was silence. All of a sudden classical music started playing on the intercom. The engine of the bus started and we jerked forward as the bus ignited. My face smashed into the back seat in front of us.

            “No wonder you need your seatbelt on at all times.” Jennifer whispered and chuckled at the same time.

            “You know that no one is laughing with you,” Max said. Then he added turning toward me. “Do you know where mom’s work even is?”

            “Yeah-kind-of-sort-of-maybe …” I said slowly then adding, “no. What?! It was your idea!”

            “That’s great!” Max exclaimed throwing his hands in the air. “I thought you would know!”

            “No, I thought you would know I mean, you’re the older brother.” I yelled. Then my voice died down. I look around. Almost everyone was looking at Max and me except one girl that had headphones on.

 “I mean you’re the nice older brother. You should know a lot of things.” I said trying to get them to stop staring. And luckily they did stop. 20 min passed with dead silence. Then the intercom came on.

“Fetherland City. Please don’t leave any bags in the bus. If this is your stop, please wait till the bus has come to a complete stop. Next stop, Stankton City. Thank you.” Then there was the classical music on again.  When the stop came the bus jerked forward and I almost flew out into the isle!

“Wait, what is mom’s work called? ‘Cause then we could ask the bus driver when the stop is!” Max exclaimed.

“You are so smart.” Jennifer said sarcastically rolling her eyes. Max was already halfway up the isle so luckily he didn’t here it or else he would be so mad. Both Jennifer and I leaned over into the isle to watch him. It seamed as though it took hours.

“He said it would be the next stop, Stankton City. It would take 30 min.” Max said. Well, 30 min would give me time to rest and think. Maybe were Mom was taken Dad might be there too, I thought.


I had a dream in the 30 min. It went something like this.

  I was standing in a meadow filled with flowers. Nothing like the winter right now. And there was a woman standing in the far distance in front of me. She was a bit blurry but as she came closer I got a good look at her. She had a beautiful, white dress on with purple velvet strips of leather around the waste. She had the most perfect face ever. Her hair was flowing behind her and it had gold highlights in it. Her hair had small thin braids tied to the back. They flowed in the wind as if they were as light as a feather. As she came closer I could see her face. She looked very familiar.

            “Hello Heather,” She said in a calm, soft voice. I almost had to lean forward to hear her. “I’ve been trying to reach you.”

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