Chapter 23

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Wake up you poop face!” a faded voice shouted. I could feel heat where my feet were. Oh no, I thought, another horrifying dream. Then something shook me. “I said wake up!” My eyes shot open.

“Whe-where, wha-?” I asked sleepily. I found myself on the log I had fallen asleep on last night. Jennifer, Max, Tyler, Becky, Ale (in human form), and Taco/Lizzie were all sitting on the other logs by a fire that Max had made. Tyler was chuckling. I didn’t even need to ask what was funny; I could feel it. My hair was messed up. I made an ice mirror and found a clump of hair on the top of my head that looked like a ‘birds nest’ Mom used to say. I glared at Tyler and that shut her up. I asked Jennifer for a comb she made from earth. Easily, she gave it to me.

I walked into my tent and froze a giant mirror on the side. I realized that I was staring at myself with questions racing through my head. What were the questions of, you may ask? Everything. Even what is my favorite color? Yes. If your favorite color is blue, you rock. If yours is anything else, you suck. Anyway.

“Come eat!” Max called. I headed out and Max gave me a bowl of water and mush. I looked at it with disgust. I ate it anyway. Then I said, “So what’s the plan to get to the Qubeseta Mountains? ‘Cause Aquirarine said that we needed to pass through there to get to that one city to—,”

“I know! Geez, I was just going to tell you.” Max said solemnly. There was a slight pause. “Ok, first off. Jennifer, stop tickling yourself, Tyler, stop licking yourself, Taco, stop panting, Ale,” Max paused. “Stop sitting there doing nothing and staring at me creepily, and Heather,” Max stared at me. It was one of those creepy stares. He seemed to come back to the normally world and said, “Anyway, let’s begin of where we are,”

For the next hour or so, Max explained something that was genius. At first he went on blabbering about the visions. This is what he said, “Ok, so my vision was that the world was drowning and that it was so bright that we all turned blind. Heather’s is people burning to death and it was pitch black. So first the world will drown but I’m not sure how or who’s going to do it. Anyway then the sun will have a ton of solar flares and everyone will go blind. The solar flares will cause the earth to heat up. Which transcends to Heather’s vision: the world will burn to death. Then it’ll be completely dark. Now from my understanding, Zar will cause all this. I’m not completely sure but there’s a fifty-fifty chance. Somehow Zar will flood the earth. I think there is a geological time that scientist have predicted that the sun will have many solar flares. Zar knows that and will wait till then so the earth will ‘blow up’.”

He held up a few diagrams that he ‘stole’ from the library and his own drawings. As he explained he pointed to all different kinds of things. Surprisingly everyone was listening intensively.

“If some humans or anything happens to survive then Zar will take advantage of that and literally take out the sun. If he does that, all life will be ruined so he can start a new era of whatever. Zar, from the information I’ve gathered, has been collecting things to carry out his project. For example, I saw that many Viba’s, people with powers, have gone missing over the years. Dad is an example of a stolen Viba. We are examples of Viba’s. Anyway, Zar is kidnapping all these people so he’ll have warriors. Also many missing parts of technological items have been stolen from museums all over the place. This apparently is for the equipment to make things to take out the sun or whatever. Recently there has been a large, massive dome found under the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Scientists haven’t found out what it is yet but they are trying. I believe that is where Zar and everyone are hiding.

“This ‘dome’ was found in the beginning of last summer. A sailor was fishing and a giant blast came up a few hundred yards away from where he was and it seemed to go on for minutes but actually only was there for a couple of seconds. He told the FBI and they sent helicopters and tracking boats to search that area. That’s when they discovered the dome. Scientists have done research and found out the dome has been there at least for 20 years. Zar has been doing this for about 15 years. Scientists have been trying to reach underneath but it’s too deep right now and all the pressure is preventing all electronics to go under. Another problem the scientists don’t get is how the dome is withstanding all the pressure. What they don’t know is that Zar has unbelievable power. I believe that dome is at a specific part of the ocean or whatever for a reason. And probably built at a certain time too. I also think that the dome isn’t just a dome, I think it’s a giant sphere but half of it go stuck so Zar just kept it there. None of the Vibas have been found and scientists have sent many subs and machines down to examine it but none of them seem to respond or come back. So that’s enough proof that something is happening. The geological period of when the solar flares will happen is in only two years. Which means we need to act fast.”

            Max finished with a sigh. There was an extremely long pause. I was trying to process all the info into my brain. I thought, at that moment, Max was the smartest person in the world. I couldn’t have ever thought about something like that. I looked over at Jennifer, Tyler, Becky, and Ale. They looked almost dead cause none of them were moving or breathing or blinking. Their faces were pale and Ale’s hair color was purple.

            “I have a question,” Jennifer broke the silence, thankfully. “So what are we suppose to do about this?” I groaned. I know she’s twelve but she should be a ‘smarter-than-normal’ twelve-year-old, at least that’s what I thought. Max sighed, again.

“A simple version of it is—that we need to stop him!” Max said impatiently. There was another silence.

“Why don’t we find some breakfast?” I said hopefully. After all this science and smarty stuff, I got hungry. Tyler and Ale nodded and stood up without saying anything. I guess I’ll have to take charge for now. “Tyler, you go hunting for something more decent then mice please. And Ale you can collect whatever. Jennifer, you go hunting or something. I’ll go get fish. Becky, you can do whatever. And Max you can start a fire.” I was already heading towards the river. I heard everyone depart. Max was done making the fire in seconds and, of course, he followed me.

“What do you think?” he asked running up to me.

“’Bout what?”

“Oh my! You know!”

“Well what am I suppose to say, no?”

“Just tell me what you think or if it’s accurate.”

“I think your things are fine and good.” I said not looking at him. There was a pause.

“That’s it?”

“Sure,” I turned to the left.

“I know what you’re thinking about.” Max said quietly. Our feet walked along the soft, moist, spring grass. The sun just started to peek above the trees.

“Tell me, what I’m thinking of?” I challenged. Max hesitated for a second. And his next word changed the mood, changed me, and had me held captive.

“Dad.” That was all I needed to break down. I cried and cried. Sobbing, Max put his hand on my shoulder. He was now a couple inches taller than me. He embraced me and held me for a while.

“It’s ok,” his sweet voice reminded me of Dad when it was the first time I got a bad grade on something. I was sobbing and he said the same thing in the same voice Max did. He stroked my hair and after a while I said I was ok.

When we got to the stream, Max sat down on a rock and watched me. I held my hands over the stream and saw a fish swim by. I caught it in a water bubble and dropped in on the shore. I flopped like a helpless person. I stared at it, terrified. After a minute or so, I stopped and all you could see was the faint last breaths and then it lay silent. Too bad, I thought and went back to catching fish. I thought the whole time of how this whole thing was going to turn out.

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