Chapter 14

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 We dragged the ogre onto the couch. I searched for a phone, Jennifer searched for anything, Max searched for devices, and Tyler search for weapons.

“Found a phone,” I said. Why would an ogre carry a phone on him anyway, I wondered. I looked through the contacts. “Yup, this thing was a spy. How did he find us though?”

“Who knows?” Max said.

“He has a dagger that has a poison compartment. He was clearly sent to kill someone or something.” Tyler said holding a small knife.

“He has the sweetest spy gear!” Max stated.

“Nothing cool’s for me to keep.” Jennifer sighed.

“We’re not keeping this, are we?” I asked.

“Some of this could help us on our missions.” Max, of course, said. Ale landed on my shoulder.

“Go Ale, for saving my life!” Jennifer yelled.

“Go Ale! Go Ale!” everyone started chanting.

Tell them thank you, especially Tyler.

“Ale says ‘thank you, especially Tyler.”

“It was nothing,” Tyler said blushing.

“Actually to think of it, it was nothing.” Jennifer said.

“Thanks?!” Tyler said. “That’s just a saying.”


Is Jennifer always like that? Ok. You were going to say yes. Why do I even ask you, you ask. Because I don’t want to be silent my whole entire life and no, I don’t want to annoy you.

Sometimes it’s fun not talking. Since he knows what I’m saying then I don’t have to talk.

“I’m still trying figure out how he found out where we were.” I uttered. Ale stared singing ‘Apologize’.

“It’s too late to apologize! It’s too late! I’m holding on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground. I’m hearing what you say but I just can’t make a sound…”

Thank goodness I can block him off. He is the most annoying thing ever, right now.

“I think this watch can detect if he’s bad or not,” Max said pulling out the watch. He put the block close the man and a high pitch sound; I covered my ears, Ale squawked, Jennifer screamed, and Tyler just stood there. Max immediately pulled it away.

“Yep, he’s bad.” Jennifer stated.

"Duh," I sneezed. She gave me the evil eye.

"Loser," she coughed.

"Weirdo," I coughed.

"I--," Jennifer started.

"Shut up," Tyler coughed, cutting off Jennifer. Max started laughing, but soon he realized no one else is laughing so he stopped.

You guys have mental problems.

“Yeah, like you.” I looked at him. He squawked.

“See? Ale, or whatever, doesn’t like it.” Tyler said.

“Butt face,” I whispered to Ale.

Hey, don’t look at me.

“I’m not,” I laughed. Ale didn’t reply. I picked up his phone and searched his contacts. I found nothing unusual about that. Then I looked in the front of the phone. On top of the phone was the company’s name; it spelled Z-A-R. Zar, I’ve heard that before, I thought.

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