Chapter 9

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The ground underneath our feet was as soft as a pillow with the snow. Every step made a squishy sound. The leafless tree covered in snow blinded our eyes when we look up.  Beams of light poured though the blankets of snow. Every so now and then, we saw rich patches of grass with snow on top. Spring is coming soon. I could feel it. My main season is winter, Max’s is summer, and Jennifer’s is spring. During those seasons, our powers are ether way stronger or weaker.

“Over here.” Max said. “I see her eagle footprints.” I feel like a stalker, but I mean Tyler could be helpful to our ‘team’. Aquirarine didn’t come to us unintentionally. He probably knew everything that happened to us today. I wish sometimes some people would tell you everything. I know some things are private and some things are meant not be told to you. But right now I wish I knew everything.

“Hey! I found her nest! At least I think so...” Jennifer said with excitement. We walked over to the nest that Jennifer found and examined it.

“That’s her all right.” I said. The nest had Tyler’s human clothes and it was pretty big. I wonder if she ever washes her clothes, I thought. Screech! My whole body jumped.

“What was that?” Jennifer asked.

“That’s Tyler.” Max guessed not even looking up.

“Aren’t we going to hide or something?” I asked really fast.

“Right,” Max said. So we all found the closest tree and hid behind it. Jennifer made her own tree so close to the nest I thought she was going to get caught easily. My heart started to pound and I bet anyone could hear it. Why did you do this? I thought. I, for some reason, make all the stupid choices. Then I heard the beats of a bird, a really big bird. My forehead started to sweat. I was so scared, though I don’t know why exactly. The sound of the claws hit the ground. I only could use my sense of hearing, which is not that good. I was so tempted to look though. Then I heard a really high pitch noise. I bet she is transforming, I thought. I looked and I was right. I couldn’t really see her transforming because there was a really bright light covering her like a blanket. Then I saw a shadow of a human walk over to the nest; then she changed into her clothes. Everything was dead silent; not a leave rustled in the wind.

“I know you guys are there. And by the way, that is a really good tree disguise but not enough to fool me.” Tyler uttered. I smacked my forehead. With my hand still on my forehead, I walked around the tree. I saw Jennifer giggle, Max knit his eyebrows, and Tyler raised an eyebrow. Then I broke the silence.

“Long time no see, no?” I beamed.

“Right,” Jennifer muttered. I gave her ‘the look’. She rolled her eyes at me.

“How did you find me?” Tyler demanded.

“Hey! Cut us some slack here!” I yelled. “You never even told me your name. And now you go off blabbering ‘oh, I know you guys are here’ and ‘how did you find me’ and don’t forget-,”

“Heather!” Max said cutting me off. I gave Max a stern look.

“Well Maximum, butt out!” I quarreled. Max’s face got red. He grabbed my shirt and dragged me behind a tree. Behind us I heard Jennifer ask, “What’s up with them?” Then I saw Tyler turn back into a bird and go out to find food. “What’s up with her?” Jennifer asked a tree. Jennifer loves to talk to plants and animals; she says they talk back to her. One time she said a plant in our house said, “Hey! Can you give me some beef jerky?” Which she gave him some and the next morning it was gone. I am 100% sure she ate it herself. I giggled at the thought. Max interrupted my thought.

“You said you’d promise never to say my full name.” Max voice cracked, I laughed, and he ended up punching me.

“It was only a joke,” I said still laughing.

“Ha. I am laughing so hard.” Max’s face looked so funny when he said that which made me laugh even harder. Max got so mad at me he shot me with a blazing hot fireball at me that I, of course, dogged. The effect of me moving made the tree behind me burn; then I had to take water and dump it on a tree. And just for more fun I dumped some on Max to ‘cool’ him down. Jeez, I was crying and laughing so hard I couldn’t breath for a second. I wiped my eyes and I evaporated the water on Max. I was shaking my head and giggled some more. When I looked up, I saw Tyler and Jennifer staring at me. My mouth quivered because I wanted to laugh some more. I took a big deep breath in, and in the middle of the breath I burst out laughing.

“Can’t you guys get a prank?” I laughed. Jennifer widened her eyes.

“Nothing’s funny when you do it.” Jennifer said tilting her head to the side. Tyler and Max burst out laughing this time.

“Burn!” they yelled in unison. Jennifer joined in with the laughter. I looked at them weirdly.

“I need to go for a second.” I stood and started walking away. Then I heard Tyler say, “Guess whom I’m imitating ‘what’s up with her?’” Then they all, again, burst out laughing. I found a quiet spot in the woods. They can laugh all they want, I thought. I sat down with my legs crossed to meditate. I could still hear them laughing so I made a water bubble around me. Nothing made a sound, nothing stirred, and not a single animal made an attempt to move. Perfect, I thought. I took all the memories from the past out of my head and put them into the bubble. They had different shapes just like a puzzle. For the next hours, I spent trying to fit the puzzle pieces together. Then after it seemed like three hours I fit them all. I broke out in sweat. Then I waited, and waited. Nothing happened. Then a burst of light can from the puzzle and I saw Aquirarine’s face. It worked, I thought.

“Hello Heather. What brings you here on a nice evening?” Aquirarine said.

“Well,” I stumbled. Then I explained what happened.

“Hmm,” he said. “Looks like I can’t help you.” My jaw felt like it fell to the ground.

“All this work for nothing?!” I whispered in disbelief.

“At least you know how to do it now.” He shrugged.

“Could you at least tell me what is wrong and if what Mr. Kingston said about my Dad is true?”

“Well the ancient goddess might be able to help you. I may not. That is not my job. The goddess is in the wonderful city of Carvenhaga. It’s Spanish, I think. Do not insult the Spanish ways while you are there!”


“Because, I don’t know exactly why but,”

“Are you ok?” I asked.

“Yes, it’s just that I,” he paused.

“Just tell me where the Carvenhaga thingy is, ok?”

“Sure, come to the Vicarana City, pass through there and go through the Veridian Forest. Then after that pass that, pass through the Qubeseta Mountains and you are there. Then you are on your own. She will be somewhere in the city but I cannot say. Beware though; you may cross many obstacles that will overwhelm the usage of your powers. Don’t ever get tired, believe in yourself, and make wise decisions.” Aquirarine started to fade. “Good bye now! Have a good rest and say hi to Jennifer and Max for me! Make sure to defeat Zarifobogo before the world ends!”  

I watched him go. I evaporated the water bubble and headed ‘home’. What he said at the end made no sense, about that Zarifobogo person. When I got home, I saw a campfire and earth-made tents around the fire. Jennifer, Max, and Tyler were laughing and singing around the fire like we where camping.

“It’s almost dinner time! What do you think?” yelled Jennifer.

“Is it just me or is she going crazy. Plus, that was very random.” Max said. “We already had dinner.” Sometimes I really think Jennifer can random sometimes.

“Hey Heather!” Jennifer said looking up.

“Tyler tells good stories!” Max said.

“Yeah!” Jennifer said. Then I remembered what Aquirarine said that made no sense.

“Well you can’t tell good stories when you’re dead.” I said walking past them into a tent. I don’t know what made me so grumpy. When I got the tent. Feathers were everywhere. I guessed they were from Tyler’s bird form. When I lay down, it was actually really comfortable. I fell into a deep sleep, not knowing what will happen next.

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