Chapter 20

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“Max! Come on, we need your help!” I hollered. Max ran out and stood beside me. I could tell he was looking at Becky and Jennifer. They were both worn out and now they had to fight these giant ogres. “You two go hide and Max and I will fight them. You guys are worn out.” I tell them.

“Do I look like someone that will subside a battle? No I didn’t think so!” Becky yelled.

“Yeah Heather! You think just because I’m twelve doesn’t mean I’m weak.” Jennifer agreed. Becky was my age so she could probably hold out better but Jennifer, but that I’m not sure of. I let them do as they please anyway. “Ale! Take Taco and hide.” I ordered. Ale nodded and left with Taco. I turned back to face the ogres. A battle like this hasn’t happened since at Mom’s work. I hope none of us has grown sloppy. The first to attack was Becky and I. We both sprinted to the same one. I gathered water around me and grabbed the ogre’s hands and legs. Becky jumped and slammed the ogre’s head with her lightning sword. Luckily lightning doesn’t go through water. I then let go of him and made ice darts appear from all around him. Before I shot, I looked at Becky and she knew what to do. She raised her sword and sent lightning to my ice darts and they light up with sparks. Then I forced the spikes on to the ogre. He got cut and shocked. He then cried out a shriek. Both Becky and I covered our ears. I saw that Max and Jennifer had also covered their ears. It sounded like a little girl being tortured, screaming for help, mixed with the scratching of fingernails on a chalkboard. It sent shivers up my spine. The ogre finally stopped shrieking and a shimmering light came down. In a blink of an eye the ogre was holding a club the size of me.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” I heard Jennifer say. I didn’t need to look, but I bet the ogre they were fighting also had a weapon. In a short time, the fighting continued. I ran towards the ogre. He raised his club and was attempting to squash me. I reacted fast and did a somersault between his legs. I then jumped onto his back and he started jerking to fling me off. It took most of my strength to hang on. I managed to climb up onto his shoulders and wrapped my arms around his neck. Becky punched and kicked him. The ogre took a step back. I trapped his head in a water bubble and jumped off and did a ninja roll on the ground. Becky and I watched him suffocate. We both managed to push him back behind the ogre Max and Jennifer were fighting.

“Guys! Move away!” Jennifer ordered. We all jumped back in time to see Jennifer side kick the ogres and they went flying back hitting trees and smashing everything in their path. It seemed like they flew back fifty feet. I stood up straight. Everything was quiet and no different except there was giant paths were the ogres had flung back. We all started laughing at the same time. Max had some cuts and bruises. I noticed his wound on his shoulder had completely healed. Jennifer’s ponytail wasn’t much of one anymore. Her clothes were ripped and she had some cuts. Becky, however, didn’t have many cuts. Her hair was still in a decent ponytail. I didn’t want to know what I looked like. The day had turned to night. It was cold and even though it was spring, it wasn’t fully warm. When I looked up, it was like an ocean of nothing. I shivered. After the laughter died down we ran to where the ogres lay. They looked like they were disoriented. Then Ale, Aka, and Taco caught up to us. No one said anything for a while and then Taco snorted.

“Are you guys ok?” Ale asked.

“Who are you?” Max and Jennifer asked together.

“He’s Ale.” I announced. They both opened their mouths really wide.

“He can turn…human?” Jennifer asked in awe.

“Yep,” I replied, “I forgot to tell you.”

“I remember now! He did that earlier, on your shoulder.” Max exclaimed. I gave Max a death stare. Ale gave a cheesy smile. We almost forgot Becky and Aka were there until Becky said something.

“What’s this?” she asked reaching for a black bag that was the size of a little handbag. Now everyone’s eyes were on her. She slowly unzipped the bag and reached inside of it. Her hand went past where it’s supposed too. “It’s like there’s so much space in here. It’s like never ending. I moving my hand around and it is going pass where it should go.”

“Let me try.” Jennifer complained. Surprisingly Becky handed it to Jennifer. And Jennifer too stuck her hand in surprisingly far. After passing it around it finally came to me. I stuck my hand in and it felt like there was nothing, no air, no warmth, no nothing. It was cold and nothingness. I wondered what it was. I shrugged and handed it back to Becky.

“You found it, you keep it.” I said.

“What!? No fair! I want it.” Jennifer pouted.

“I’ll take it.” Ale said calmly. I told him no. “But I want it! Give it to me!” Before he could grab it, Becky took it. “No! It’s mine, all mine!” said Ale and Jennifer in unison. Realizing this, they both shut up.

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