Chapter 4

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I melted the ice darts so that he could pull himself off the wall, but not all the way. “First you tell me where my father is!”

            “Please, first let me explain myself, then I will tell you where I think he is.”

            “Fine.” I said stubbornly.

 “I have a power to reach into anyone’s dreams,” said Aquirarne. “That dream I gave you would help you when you grow up like now, but I guess not. I was going to tell you who I was when I pulled you into the bushes, I trusted you that I let go. I guess I was wrong.” I felt bad for a second but then I felt a huge a mount of rage build inside me.

“You could have told us instead of pulling is into the bushes like a bad guy would do! You should have… done…” I didn’t know what to say because I was so angry. I clenched up my fists. My eyes flared.

“I agree with you that should’ve not approached you two that way, but I had no choice! How else should I have done it?” he said with anger in his voice. I melted the rest of the ice darts and let the water splash on him instead of taking the water and evaporating it. I turned my back to him and hung my head. Just then Jennifer came in the alley.

“I was looking all over for you!” her voice trailed off as she saw Aquirarne. “I thought you disappeared!”

“I did, but for you only. I multiplied in two.”

“How do you do that?” Jennifer asked having a surprise look on her face.

“Remember we have powers.” I said waving my hands in the air like saying duh.

“Oh, does she know yet about the thing.”

“Know w…” I began.

“No. I was about to get to it but then you came.” Aquirarne said cutting me off. I hate it when people do that even thought I do it to them all the time.

“Sorry, I’ll go and find Mimi. I hope she didn’t leave with out us yet, or she might be worried. What should I tell her?”

“Tell her that you saw a friend and stop by to talk for a little bit.” Aquirarne said to her. As she left, he turned toward me. “Now here is the message I am suppose to tell you from Trantinia, my boss. Your new mission is . . .” Then his last words were hard to hear because Mr. Sagwater was yelling my name.

“Heather! It’s time to come home!” He called. I turned to Aquirarne to say good-bye and to see if he could tell me the message real quick. But when I looked, I was just in time to see the last bit of his cloak disappear in a portal, which closed right when his cloak was in. My heart sunk. I was hoping he could tell me, but I just remembered that he had told Jennifer! I could ask her! I started to walk down the alley and then a gust of wind blew and it seemed to whisper, “I will be with you, Jennifer and Max,” it was the voice of Aquirarne. Aquirarne’s visit made me wonder, if he said Max, did he visit him too? My hair whipped in my face then all of a sudden the wind stopped as if nothing happened. My hair and jacket settled down.

We got into the car and Mimi asked me, “So, who was your friend? Was he/she from school?”

“Um . . . he I mean she was . . .um . . . she… her name was Elizabeth. She was from my …um church camp last year.” I said giving her a cheesy smile. She obviously didn’t get my struggle to find the ‘make up’ words.

“Oh I didn’t know you went to church,”

“I do but she um invited me to the camp, ya! I normally don’t go to camps.” I said unsure. God please help me, I thought. I hate lying, especially to her about this type of stuff. 

“O.K, I was just wondering because it took awhile. Also because you are kind of wet.”

I looked at my shirt and sure it was wet. Shoot, why didn’t you think of that, I thought to myself. I preyed that she wouldn’t ask me why I was wet. Thankfully she didn’t. The rest of the ride home was an uncomfortable silence.

Right when we entered the house, the phone rang.

“Mimi! Get the phone!” Mrs. Sagwater exclaimed. “I am busy with my work.”

“Alright, alright I’ll get it.” Mimi answered her mom like she was annoyed. RINGGGGG, RINGGGGG, RIN… “Hello? Yes… yep… uh hu…O.K … all right thanks! Bye bye!” she hung up the phone. “Your mom wants you two to go home now,” Mimi said to Jennifer and me. She added, “Dad, can I walk home with them?”

“Dang it. Another bill, Sally!” He was looking at the mail he picked up in the mailbox. Mr. Sagwater looked up. He nodded then went back to the mail. On the way, Mimi was quiet. That was unusual for her.

“So, why did you want to walk home with us?” Jennifer asked. And believe me I did not want her to ask that for what is about to happen. Mimi was quiet for a second. She looked down at her shoes as we walked. Then she spoke and looked up, “I just want to talk to you about the car ride home.” I gulped and Jennifer gave me a worried look. “You looked worried or at least you were trying to hide something. I would like to know what is unique about you and your family. You all look like you are trying to hide something from the world. I know I might be asking a lot from you but at least if you tell me than I won’t be so questionable.” I was hesitant for a second then I whispered to Jennifer if we should tell her. She wasn’t so sure. I wanted to get home quickly so we didn’t have to tell her. I sighed. I guess I had no choice.

“We, are family, has …” I paused for a second

“What she is trying to say is that we have a secret.” Jennifer said that quickly.

“I know you have a secret but, can you tell me what it is?” Mimi said impatiently. As thought Max was listening he came out of the bushes and said, “Hi Mimi, Jennifer, and Heather! Waa’s up?” Thank you Max, you are our savior, I thought. I really wouldn’t want to see Mimi’s reaction to our answer that we have powers.

“Hi Max,” Mimi answered. Jennifer waved. I looked in front and saw our house. Good we’re almost there, I thought.

 “Max, how come you were in the bushes? Were you eavesdropping?” Mimi asked curiously. She asks to many questions some times.

“I was walking home from Matt’s house. I cut through their neighbor’s house backyard.” Max replied. Wow, he is really good at improvising if that was improvising. I am not good at that as you could see before.

When we got to the house, Mimi said good-bye and we closed the door. I looked out the window to watch Mimi go. I could tell she was confused. I closed the curtains hard. I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I took a bit and went to find mom. I checked her workroom. Then I checked her bedroom. She wasn’t there in either of the rooms. So I went to Max an asked, “Where’s Mom?” He looked at his feet.

“She isn’t home.”

“What?!” I was absolutely shocked! I almost dropped my apple.  “Why isn’t she home? What is wrong? Wh--” I stopped not knowing what to say.

“I don’t know, at least she didn’t come home. I told Matt that Mom called on my cell and told me to come home. And for you, I had to pretend and use my best ‘mom’ voice. I didn’t think I sounded real convincing but,” He shrugged. “I guess they took it. And I did that because you see,” He pointed at the clock. “It’s 9:30 pm. And didn’t Mom say she would come back at 6:30 pm.” I blinked. That made sense but at the same time it didn’t because I mean, Mom never is wrong about the time or anything else. Maybe she told us the wrong time on accident and didn’t realize ‘till 6:30pm!

“I think you should head to bed.” Max said then he added, “I mean you should because there is school tomorrow, right? You don’t want to be tired for school. The middle school is not very great with people who sleep in.” I just stood where I was, not moving. I didn’t want to move. My feet were like they had just turned into stone. I mind was racing. What happened? How come Mom is not home? Where are you Mom? What do I do? How can I help you, I thought. I know mom really couldn’t hear me. I felt as though my mind could explode.

“Max, I am not going to school tomorrow. OK? There is no point on going to school if Mom is not home.” I yelled. He told me that I should. We stood there arguing for about 20 minutes. Soon I found myself lying on the floor, passed out.

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