Chapter 10

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I woke to the sound of a fire crackling. Wait a minute; they put out the fire yesterday, I thought. So I got up and walked out of the tent; there I saw Max practicing his moves on the fire pit.

            “Morning,” he said huffing and puffing.

            “What are you doing?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

            “Practicing,” he stood up. “Got a problem with that?”

            “No, but since when did you practice your powers?”

            “Since Tyler told me too. She said I need to learn to control my powers and I figured out that she was right!”

            “That’s what I’ve been telling you all along! And you don’t listen to your own sister, but you listen to her! Ha, so funny!” I stomped off. I held my stomach. It growled. Hunger swept over me, I remember I didn’t eat last night. I walked over to Max and asked for some breakfast. He gave me some kind soupy thing.

            “What is this?” I asked cautiously.


“What’s in it may I ask?”



“Carrots, beans, chicken broth, and-,”

“Ok, I get it.” I walked off. I came back to him ten seconds later. “Do you have a spoon by any chance?” I asked politely. He shot a fireball at me for ‘practice’. I threw the bowl in the air, wrapped a water shield around the ball, and shot it back. He took the fireball and made a dragon float to the sky. “You’ve gotten stronger my pupil.” I declared, raising an eyebrow. Then I caught the bowl as it landed. I drank it with out a spoon; it tasted really good as a matter of fact. I wiped my mouth and asked, “Who made this?”

“Tyler and Jennifer,” he replied. I shrugged and walked away. I heard Max continue practicing. I walked over to the tent on the opposite side as mine. I walked through and saw Jennifer and Tyler playing a card game.

“Hi,” I said.

“Oh, hi Heather,” Tyler said without looking up. “So Jennifer said you wanted for me to join the group. It that true?” she asked, still not looking up. She played a card down.

“Yeah so?” I asked.

“That’s very nice of you,” she mentioned. I sat down. “What are you guys trying to do?”

“I don’t really know.” I shrugged. Now she looked up.

“Are you serious?” Tyler looked at me wide-eyed.

“Yeah,” I uttered scratching the back of my head. “A guy was suppose to tell me but he didn’t have time.”

“I see,”

“I know!” Jennifer exclaimed. “He told me in time,” It was dead silent after that, except for the sounds of cards being laid down. I remembered the whole thing from the festival and Aquirarine and last night. Then Tyler broke the silence.

“So before you tell both of us, can you tell me who this he is?”

“His name is Aquirarine,” Jennifer said before I had the chance to open my mouth. Tyler stopped in mid-play.

“Did you say Aquirarine?” she asked. 

“Um, yeah.” Jennifer said.

“How do I put this?” Tyler said. “Aquirarine is my Uncle.” All I did was stare at her. My brain went wild. Did I hear her wrong, or did she just say that Aquirarine was her uncle, I thought. Well it was pretty uncomfortable in those few seconds.

“Is there something wrong?” Tyler wondered.

“No, everything’s ok.” Jennifer said. “Let’s finish our game.”

“What about the message?” Tyler said.

“Oh right, sorry.” Jennifer said. “The message is that Trantinia, Aquirarine’s boss, said that our mission is-,”

“Hey guys! Come over here! I found something.” Max yelled. You have got to be kidding me, I thought. That happened last time with Aquirarine. Jennifer and Tyler put down there cards down and started heading out.

“And by the way, ‘hey guys’ isn’t the message.” Jennifer said. We all burst out laughing. I shook my head while laughing and headed out. I saw Max holding and arrow. It was nicely carved with a fine tip.

“Max, where’d you find that?” Tyler asked.

“I found it stuck in the dirt next to where I was practicing.” he replied. I ran over to see the arrow from close up. I stuck my head through where Tyler’s shoulder was.

“I know who’s this is,” Tyler said. “It’s Becky’s.”

“Who?” I asked.

“Becky, my friend.”

“Does she turn into an animal too?” Jennifer asked.

“Sadly no, but she is a fine warrior. She can pick up any material and find some way to use it as a weapon.”

“Cool,” Max said.

“But she kind of like tom-boy.” Tyler hesitated. “She has no interest in guys what-so-ever. Don’t tell her that I told you that because she will kill me.” she whispered. I said really loudly, “Like Jennifer would?”

“Hey!” Jennifer screamed stomping her foot.

“Chill axe.” Max said widening his eyes.

“Anyway,” Jennifer said slowly, eyeing me. “She could help us with our mission!” Jennifer exclaimed, totally changing her expression. “She would be perfect. Becky could be our bodyguard.”

“She doesn’t take orders,” Tyler warned. “She does things on her own like a wild dog except she make the right decisions.”

“Well what do you say?” Jennifer asked Max and me.

Max shrugged. “It’s fine with me,”

“And you?” Jennifer looked at me.

“First,” I started. “We have to find her.”

“Yes!” Jennifer clapped. “Now I will have two friends and bodyguards.” Everyone groaned.

“Right now, everyone should be training.” Max said, of coarse.  I walk over to my tent to grab on a sweater because it was freezing cold out. I searched through my bag and I put on a Butler sweatshirt, grabbed my water pouch and headed out.

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